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I Just want someone who wont leave me


He turned around and looked right at me and said nothing. Not even hi. It was as if the months we had spent together, the time I spent loving him, just werent important. As if they never happened.


You were, are, and always will be my one and only.


I wanted it to be you. God Damn, I really did.


I thought I was running away, but it turns out I was running to you.


It's 4am. You're sleeping. I'm crying.


Deep conversation with open minded people are one of my favorite things.


2014, aka the year everything hurt but somehow I didn't die.


Don't date anyone who Isn't proud of you.


You were my yes, but I was only your maybe.


I wish I could be more.


My mind is a disturbed place.


Are you interested or just bored?


It was my movie and I let you be the main character.


It's a strange feeling to miss something you don't even know.


Too many people getting older but not growing up...


I looked at him as a friend, Untill I realized I loved him.


I learnt that goodbye sometimes means I love you, but I need to leave before we tear each other's fucking throats out.


I got a big heart.. And that's probably my biggest downfall.


Silly girl.... he never loved you.


The worst part about having someone cheat on you is when you begin thinking of all the things you might have done wrong, even though they were the ones who did something wrong.


If I became a mystery, would you want me then?


Don't you get it? I chose you, over anyone else. I always fucking choose you.


I can't replace you because there's no one else like you.


I ache for you. Only you.


I don't care anymore, but sometimes, it hurts just a little.


Do you ever feel like having too many feelings that you might explode.


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