Quotes- 25

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My heart lies and therefore no one knows / What my mind holds

I think of what my heart holds/ Not of what is told

What I hear and what I say/ Don't reflect how I lay

My mind is constantly playing back scenes on replay

I see everything I have done both good and bad

Never escaping just quite 

Being busy seems to be the only way

To keep my demons locked away 

I'm not perfect but with you I feel complete


You've got to be careful with what you say to people, because it may turn their happiness into insecurities.


You swore you'd never leave but you saw me drown in my sadness and you walked away.


I'm always feeling unhappy about life. But you know, I try to be happy, I really try.


The worst part about it all, is that I have to go back there tomorrow and pretend that everything's fine.


I'm not fucking "fine".


One minute I think I'm fine, the next minute I feel like I'm dying.


I would suffocate from the attention, but drown in silence.


You want the company of someone so much. Yet you're used to being alone. So when someone is finally a constant in your life, you push them away.


It is not the number of times you've told her I love you it is the number of times you've kissed her even though she was full of dirt and sorrow.


In reality if it wasn't there to begin with no problems would ever be created.


Beauty today is one click away, filtered , then cropped. But never forget intelligence cannot be photo shopped.


Depression is when you can't feel at all. Anxiety is when you feel too much. Having both is a constant was within your own mind. Having both means never winning.


The thing with broken clocks is you can always tell exactly when they stopped ticking, with people it isn't so easy and sometimes you can't even tell they're broken.


"You scare me," He said. "Why?" She asked. "Because I can tell you things I can't even tell myself"


Depression isn't always at 3 am, sometimes it hits you at 3 pm when your with friends and you're halfway through a laugh and suddenly stop.


If you love two people at the same time, choose the second. Because, if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen  for the second one.


A lot of scary people are just sad inside.


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