Quotes- I knew it all along, I just chose not to believe it.

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Stop asking me to trust you, While I'm still coughing up the water from the last time you let me drown.


I miss how we knew what each other wanted before it was even voiced. How we could tell what the other was thinking, what was wrong, what was okay. Everything. I miss how we were. How we collided and just worked. You don't though, so I am just going to have to live with it. But I don't want to.


I am the good girl that turned into a bitch. I literally am. I was always nice, I had a few good friends and life was good. Then I got older and people were just mean, and I guess subconsciously I picked that up. And now I am a bitch.


I don't like to talk. That's it. Simple. I don't want to speak. I once was talking, and then realized no one was listening. So why should I speak up now?


You shattered me, like I tore apart our pictures. The thing is, I regretted tearing apart our pictures, While you didn't shed a tear about us. I loved you with my whole being, and you used me.


I'm sorry I was only able to give you a dimly lit star when you deserved the light of a thousand vibrant suns. I'm even more sorry that you realized it before I did.


I want to just get through high school and college so I can live out my lone miserable life by myself. But that also scares me to death. I don't want to have to rely on myself for food and rent, because the world is scary, and I don't want to be forced into it. But otherwise, how will I be able to be alone?


The difference between 'love you' and 'I love you' is so profound.


That feeling of when you're in a group of friends, But you're not really In  that group of friends. Yeah, I had that feeling all the time. Until I took it upon myself to just leave, to walk away. And they didn't even Notice I was gone. 


Don't get me wrong, this world is beautiful but the people are sick. And I wasn't lying you know... when I said you meant the world to me. And to be honest, a world without you is not one that I would want to live in. So since your gone, and the people here are ugly, there just doesn't seem to be a reason for me to stay anymore.


You don't know how much it sucks to not have friends, until you're forced to sit in a cafeteria cause there's no where else you can go, and to have people stare at you as you sit alone. By yourself. At a huge table. An obvious loner. It sucks. 


I went up to this girl I thought was pretty, and I told her. She smiled but then make eye contact with me she scoffed and walked away, Like I was scum on the bottom of her shoe.

What I felt in that moment, I feel it at least twice everyday. So what's the point? To go on when no one really wants me here? 


Cry me a river, Cause I'm a dried up fucking abyss.


I have never loved myself. But you, oh god I loved you so much. I forgot what hating myself felt like. 

But now you're gone. And now I remember...And it doesn't feel good. Not one bit.


I let you become my happiness, and that's where I went wrong.


Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don't belong. I don't belong anywhere, and that's really painful.


Everything is blurry but the feelings are real.


Reading, and crying so much you can't see the words anymore.


Unlike you, I meant everything I said.


How to murder someone: Tell them you love them and never speak to them again. After all that is how you killed me.


I hate you for making me hate me.


I fucking trusted you and you threw it away.


Don't you dare tell me I'm perfect if I'm not good enough to make you stay.


The thought of you repulses me and pulls me in all at the same time, and I can't get my head on straight because of you.


I'm ashamed of myself because I know I should be better and I have no Idea how to get there.


If you cared about me so fucking much why'd you let me get so hurt?


Oh, I'm a mess right now, Inside out.


I'm tired. Physically, Emotionally, Socially, and Mentally. I'm just tired.


There is nothing here for me anymore, so why am I forced to stay?


I think about you, but I don't say it anymore.


Everyone says 'She's afraid of letting people in, because she got hurt once' Like it was nothing. Well you know what? Fuck Them.


It's been six months. Six months ago I loved you, and I knew that you weren't really as loved up as you said you were. I knew you didn't like me as much as you used to. And I also knew that you quiet frequently talked to one of my best friends. I knew that you planned to break up with me. But there was a little shred of hope that I had that kept me from talking to you about it. I hoped that you really weren't planning to break up with me. And that you were going to try and make our relashionship work. I didn't realize then, how wrong I was. You broke it off, over text. And I cried so much. You couldn't even Imagine. I lost a piece of myself among the tears, headaches, and heartaches. I lost myself, and I never found myself again. I am permanently damaged and theres nothing I can do. What shocked me the most afterwards, was how much it hurt. I secretly, deep down knew it was going to happen, But I didn't realize how much it was going to hurt. 'I didn't realize it was going to hurt this much.' Where my exact words, to my crying mother. I was crying so much, and I don't cry infront of people, I never cried when my Aunt died. But when this happened, I changed. And I just wanted to tell someone, and instead of burdening someone I decided to just write it out. You know how people say your first love will always stay with you? Well, I can't get over how much of a fool I was, But I will never make the same mistake again. 

Thanks for reading this. That last bit , it kinda just happened. I didn't really plan it, It just came out. Sorry,

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