Part 26

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When I get into the car and I go to buckle up my seat belt it takes that half a second to think how easy it would be for me to just not buckle up and get into a fatal accident. When i take pills it takes that half second to think I could just take a few more and end it. Preparing a meal! I can't cut vegetables without thinking how easy it would be to slice the blade the wrong way across my wrist. When I'm walking down the street now easy it would be to walk into the middle of the road? Or just not watch where I'm going...


I think of what other people want to hear and I say it.


Trying not to cry is really hard in a crowded place when all you can do is think about it.


I'm afraid of many different thing, I don't want to change you, and I fear that by saying these things I will.


Can't think straight.


The more submissive and respectful he was externally, the less he honored and loved her in his heart.


I was afraid I would run him off and I'm not so sure if I can. He's always there.


I don't believe in New Year's Resolution's but I do believe in change.


Social Anxiety is hearing people laugh near you. Not talking because you're afraid that what you say will be judged. Keeping quiet in a conversation with three people. Not being able to go anywhere alone. Staying inside all day. Hating when the teacher asks you a question in class. Eye contact. Eating in front of people. Counting money before you pay. Not leaving voicemail. Paying for things at a shop. Calling in an order of food. Bumping into people you know. Feeling embarrassed all the time.


 I have no motivation I have nothing to look forward to Just broken promises Broken dreams Stupid lies Ugly truths I just want to lay in bed And never get up.


Bitch , Whore , You slammed the door.

Cunt , Slut , You started to cut.

Ugly , Fat , It was the cat.

Pathetic , Lame , To them it was a game.

Freak , Strange , You wanted to change.

Liar , Fool , You were uncool.

Idiot , Stupid , You don't know what you did.

Beautiful , Amazing, They said at your burying.


I said I'm fine. I really meant I'm not fine, please help me.

I said I'm just tired. I meant I can't take this anymore.

I said I already ate. I meant I am starving.

I said go away. I meant show me you care enough to stay.

I said I'm just cold. I meant I didn't want you seeing the scars.

I said I was better. I meant I have never been this bad.

I said I'm okay. I meant I want to die.


 She didn't want to be sad.


'You were reaching for someone else'


I trusted you and you let me down

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