Quotes- 9

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I loved you even when you forgot me. And for a little while you loved me back.


You aren't coming back. And I know that now.


She didn't want to say I love You so instead she said goodnight, Because love means falling and she's afraid of heights.


The best thing in the world is when someone is lying straight to your face, but you already know the truth.


 I'm sick of reaching out for you in the night thinking your going to be there.


I too remember that feeling. You are caught between all that was and all that must be. You feel lost.


Sometimes I touch things you used to touch, looking for echoes of your fingers.


Some people care too much.... I think it's called Love -Winnie the pooh


I'm so tired but I'll probably be awake untill 3am for no reason.


Missing someone and not being able to see them is the worst feeling ever.


I'm drowning and you Can't even see.


Never forget what a person says to you when they are angry.


Life is like a piano. White keys represent joy. Black shows sadness. As you go through life, remember that the black keys make music too.


I Absolutley Hate the fact that no one else has the ability to break me or to make me feel happy like you do. You are the only person who can ruin my day and you are the only person who can fix it.


I love being alone, But I hate feeling alone.


It was not the feeling of completeness I so needed, but the feeling of not being empty.


I swear I'm trying My best but I just can't breathe anymore and every second I'm alive I feel like I'm drowning.


What a year, Everything was terrible and I was tired.


Sorry I'm so hard to deal with sometimes.


Do you ever lay in bed and crave someones arms around you but like its not gonna happen so you want to explode.


I don't want to talk about what hurts.


It's hard to be attractive when youre not.


Memories of you slipped away like The blood spilling from my pale wrists. What is love if not the smile on your face?


Laughing with someone you love, now that's true happiness.


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