Quotes- 17

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Permamently stuck between 'I really want to talk to you' and 'I don't want to annoy you'


And they say the worst things in life come free to us.


After you, Hell should be easy.


Your eyes didn't say you loved me, atleast your mouth did.


It's amazing how a person who was once just a stranger, suddenly mean the world to you.


The worst Goodbyes, Are the ones never Said.


I knew I meant nothing to you. I just hoped I was wrong. 


I like to believe that I am the dream you love waking up to.


We are all just love-struck teenagers thinking love is the only key to happiness.


How do I run away when my pounding heart reminds me of you?


I once believed I was beautiful, Now I can't even look at myself in a mirror.


I don't care how complicated this gets, I want you.


I literally have no reason to live, But I also literally have no reason to die.


Ever had one of those days where you just can't win?


My life seems Fine on the outside. But when I am alone, In my Head. I am anything But Fine.


Fall seven times, Stand up eight.


Instead of shooting me in just the heart, You shot me in the knees so I can never get back up.


She likes to sleep. It makes her forget about it.


I would do anything to be different.


I wish society where a Utopia, but then again. I'd find a way to Fuck it up.


I didn't come here to tell you that I can't live without you. I can live without you. I just don't want to.


And in the end, we were aall just humans drunnk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness.


It's simpe. I'm not suicidal, I just don't want to be here anymore. 


I had a taste of what Life was like with you, Now I don't want to live it without you.


Just one text from you would change my whole mood.


I feel so stupid for the way you played me.


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