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Depressing quotes yet inspirational-


Sometimes people build up walls not to keep other people out, but to see if anyone cared enough to break them back down.


You are a blessing or a curse, Sometimes I dont know which one is worse, you make me smile you make me laugh but significantly you can make me bleed, my heart is for you, and you wont take it, for fear youll drop it, So I dont trust you with it..


The only thing I regret is giving up so much of myself to someone who never gave it a second thought to throw me away


When reading, we dont fall in love with the characters' appearance. We fall in love with their words their thoughts, and their hearts. We fall in love with their souls


Just remember, when I'm gone. Youll be praying I'll crawl back to you


You promised forever, but then you found better


They say to only chase what your heart wants, but how am I supposed to know what my heart wants when its broken into a million tiny pieces?


Just because I pretended it was okay, Doesnt mean it was.


Its always my fault, Right?


There are some people, I'm kinda glad I'm not close with anymore. But then there are those people, That'd I'd give anything to be with


They say it takes 21 days to break a habit bit It's been 6 months and I'm still in love with you


I feel pathetic, seeing you walk around all happy and like You where never hurt. While I sit here in pain that you caused me, and that I can never be happy again. I feel pathetic because you took my happiness away, and I can never get that back.


There are two types of pain, One that hurts you and the other that changes you. The question is how to deal with them.


Nobody deserves to be treated like an option.


Cause you never think that the last time is the last time. You think there will be more. You think you have forever, but you dont.


I told you, you'd get tired of me first... You didnt believe me.


Whatever, Fuck it.


Stop Fucking pretending to like me I'm tired of hearing all the excuses of why you cant talk to me.


I dont want to start 2015 thinking that I wont be able to finish it. But then again I really dont have another choice do I?


11:11 and I keep wishing for the same thing knowing goddamn well it isnt happening


I regret opening up to some people and it just bugs me knowing theres a few out there who didnt even deserve to know me like that but do


But what if tommorow you notice my flaws and imperfections and dont look at me the same way as you did today. Oh wait, silly me, That already happened.


Even on the cloudiest days there is sunshine to tell you 'dont worry, its only temporary'


Sometimes words cant fathom how lonely I feel


Do you ever just miss the way someone acted when  you first met


Inhaled the good shit, Exhale the bullshit


You wanna know how I feel? Love me then watch me love someone else.


Two words. Fuck. This.


But now. I'm just your past


Stop drowning for people who wont even get in the damn water for you.


It's ridiculous how much you can be there for someone then they just completly shut you out and act like you dont exist.


I wanna fall in love with someone, That will never fall out of love with me.


I promise I'll keep my distance from now on. Because it seems like you dont want me in your life anymore.


You need to love the wrong ones, to finally know what it feels like when you finally do love the right one.


One day, I'll wake up and Be glad I did. One day.


Why do you love the rain so much?

'Cause It reminds me I'm alive.

Author's Note---

So ya, Done! Kbye.

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