Quotes- 23

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I hope you never forget me. But then again, you aren't worth remembering me. You know what? I take back what I said. I do want you to remember me, because I was the best thing to ever fucking happen to you. You dumped me for her, well she dumped you for him. So next time choose wisely, Because I stuck with you through everything and you were to blind to see it.


 I ruined myself for a lot of people that werent even worth it.


Everytime 11:11 comes around, I make a wish. And everytime, it's the same damn wish.


Your words were powerful enough to make me give up. I don't like the way that you made me feel, but there is nothing I can do to change it.


Look at yourself as a color. You may not be everybody's favorite color but believe me, one day you will meet someone who needs you to complete their picture.


I'm done chasing something that does not want me. I'm done looking for a reality that isn't even real. I'm done trying to be myself, when I don't even know who I am. I'm done with everything, and I don't even know what to do with myself anymore.


You have moments where you think you're over it and then you have others where you cry on the bathroom floor wondering why you weren't good enough. I used to be like that. Now all I have are the moments where I don't know what to think anymore. The moments where everything seems so unreal, because I don't know whats real and whats not. The moments where everything is a blur, and I don't know who I am or what I want to do.


Sometimes It looks like I'm arguing with myself, When really I'm just fighting off the demons in my head. And, I guess I fell in love with them.


People think that I'm quiet because I'm shy, but in reality I've been silently judging them from afar.


I get way too sensitive when I get attached to someone.


I'm not sad because you left, but because you said you wouldn't and I trusted you.


No matter how much you try, things will never be the same again. 


Is it me? Am I the reason people always leave?


I am quiet, but I am not blind. I see more than you think I do.


You laughed as I drowned in my love for you. And now until forever I will never smile at the sound of your happiness. 


Some days the memories still knock the wind out of me.


His hands were always cold, but his heart was not.


It takes a few words to build a relationship but only silence to destroy it all.


When I said I'd take a bullet for you, I didn't intend for you to be the one to pull the trigger.


Sometimes I find myself crying in my room, wishing to go home. Then I realize, I am home. But I'm not happy here. I'm so fucking homesick, but nostalgic of a place that doesn't exist, doesn't really do me any good.

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