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My bad for falling for you, I thought you were different.


Have you ever missed someone so much that strangers started to look like them?


The world is a book and those who don't travel read only one page


You cannot fathom the  immensity of the fuck I do not give


Sometimes I just keep my feelings to myself because its hard to find someone who understands.


Please don't be like the others. Prove to me you're different. Show me that you're worth fighting for.


I know I have friends but I feel like I have no one to talk to about the shit that goes on in my head.


Where's the good in goodbye,Where's the nice in nice try, Where's the us in trust gone...


I didn't want to get attached but sometime, when I was helping you put the pieces of your heart back together I must've held them in my hands a little too long.


But the past couple of days I've missed you so much it felt like missing you is all I am.


The only thing more incredible than your smile, is when you smile at me.


The problem with love is: You can love who you want... But so can they.


Every girl wants a guy to make her feel safe in his arms hold her tight, and remind her everyday that she's the only girl in his world.


Every time my phone buzzes I hope It's you missing me.


A person who really wants to be with you will find every reason to be with you. A person who does not want to be with you will find every excuse as to why they can't be with you.


 There is actually not a better feeling then to have a bestfriend who also think of you as their bestfriend.


I still care about my grades but have no motivation to do them.


Daily remind yourself that its okay to put yourself first.


I dare you to put yourself in my position, and then judge me.


Fuck him. Get someone that wants you enough to give you a fucking text back. You Know?


I mean like, You suck sometimes, But I'd do anything for you.


 These are the days that must happen to you.


I am getting bad again, but I am too tired to care.


I just want someone to call me baby and talk to me till I fall asleep.


It's crazy how much you'll tolerate for someone you love.


I have ruined relashionships for fear of losing those relashionships.


Sometimes, when you give up on someone, It's not because you don't care anymore. It's because you realize that they don't care.


You said you where afraid to loose me, then you faced your dears and left.


My Mind says , Move on. But my heart says, Hold on.


Do you ever just crave someone's presence


 Why is every girl my age 1000% prettier than me.


I'm always soft for you, that's the problem. You could come knocking on my door five years from now and I would open  my arms wider and say 'Come here, it's been too long, it felt like home with you.


Probably no one thought about me today.


Maybe I love too much and maybe I show it too llittle.


Sometimes you feel alone, but just remember somebody some where cares for you.


 The only thing I know is this: I am full of wounds and still standing on my feet.


I'm the type of person who will miss you to death but won't do anything about it because I don't want to seem like the desperate one.


 I'm so lucky people can't hear what I'n thinking.


Sometimes you just need to lay on the floor and do nothing for three years.


Never get too attached to someone, because attachments lead to expectations and expectations lead to disappointments.


You said I was the girl of your dreams; i guess you decided to wake up.


It's crazy right? To love someone who hurt you. It's crazier to think that someone who hurts you, loves you.


The most beautiful things aren't always the biggest they don't always scream out instead they are the details the little things we miss that when we really notice they fill us with wonder.


Maybe we're meant to lose the ones we love.


Maybe if you wanted me almost as much as I want you you'd still be here next to me and I'd still be happy.


Loving you was The most Exquisite form Of self Destruction.


I hate how I sometimes let the most stupid shit bother me.


You don't have to accept things you are not okay with.


Hey guys! I'm trying to update everyother day now, But I've got midterms in two weeks so I don't know how that will affect my schedule! But ya...

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