Quotes- 11

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 I don't regret a thing. That I met you. That I fell in love with you. If I were to mett you again, even knowing sadness awaits me, Id definitley fall in love with you again.


I now know that some people feel unhappiness the way others love: privately, intensely, and without recourse.


I will not be your 'Sometimes'.


I'm afraid of someone taking my place in your heart.


Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.


I want to cry with you but we cant, Because if we were together we wouldn't be sad.


Let me be the one whom you wanted to spend your entire life with.


I hate mornings, but if I were to wake up to you every morning I think my view on mornings would be different.


People call me insane for the things I would do for you. But I guess they are right, I am insane, for I am willing to do anything, simply anything just for that smile of yours.


Have you ever missed someone so much that strangers started to look like them?


If you have no intention of catching me, don't ever make me fall.


I want to admire someone else's beauty without questioning my own.


It's been awhile since I've seen your face.


Let me be the one whom you wanted to spend your entire life with.


Do you miss me when you hear my name?


I remember staying up late just for you...


Be careful with your words. Once they are said they can only be forgiven, nor forgotten.


It's two in the morning I'm not going to tell you I miss you But I do and a part of me wishes that you missed me too.


There's plenty of fish in the sea, so stay the fuck away from my fish.


They wre not holding hands, but their shadows were.


I have a tendency to feel everything too deeply or not at all.


I swear I'm trying my best but I just can't breathe anymore and every second I'm alive I feel like I'm drowning.


Note to self: Don't fall in Love.


You're losing interest in me and I'm losing everything.


I want you to call me at 4am and tell me it's because you wanted to hear my voice.


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