Part 27

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I chose you but you still left.


No matter how busy someone is, if they love you and care they will find a way to make time for you. Even the smallest text message or quickest phone call can say a thousand words.


Sometimes my heart beats fast because it wants to tell you a million wonderful things about you, that my lips struggle to say.


We are just lonely souls lost between reality and dreams.


I'm learning to be okay with the fact that I may never be yours again but I can't help but hold onto the hope that maybe I will be yours again someday.


I felt his arms go around me, holding me tights. I was safe. I was warm. I was home.


That's what falling in love is. I'ts being vulnerable. It's giving up control.


No, I don't want to play your card game. While everyone else is in the drawing room laughing and getting ready to play, I will sit here by myself because I don't want to humiliate myself by saying something wrong and making fun of myself. A cousin comes in, please don't look at me in the sitting room all by myself. As I hear 'there are more chairs in the sitting room if you would like to grab some' as I cringe internally at the thought of someone finding me here in my own little world. Scared that they will ask me why I am not participating. 


I've had a good heart for all the wrong people.


I knew when I met you an adventure was going to happen. I just didn't realize that it would end with my heart in a million pieces. 


I hate that feeling where you can't really tell if someone cares about you.


Strange, I've become addicted to your pain.


I will not conform. I will not be a lazy person who watches TV shows that exploit other human beings for their mental issues which cause's them to hoard because it makes me feel better about myself. 


Problems are a part of my routine and that sucks.


If I didn't care, I wouldn't have stuck around this long.


I don't wanna leave. Tell me to stay.


The best way to appreciate something is to be without it for a while.


In their last moments people show you who they really are.


Not everyone around you is for you.


You probably deserve someone better but I swear no one wants to wake up to your face as much as I do.


That tiny piece of hope, despite everything, will always exist.


The circles under her eyes seemed just dark enough to hide my own sins there too.


You think you're over it. You think you're moved on. You think you're finally ready to love again, but then the memories come flooding back, breaking your heart all over again.

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