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Depressing Quotes yet inspirational-


I am Strong, Because I've Been weak.

I'm Fearless, Because I've Been afraid.

I'm wise, Because I've been foolish.


It's sad when you realize you aren't as important to someone as you thought you were.


Studies show that on average, a crush lasts only four months. If the crush still continues it means you are in love. Well fuck.


Typing What you really want to say and then deleting it.


She'll cry, And get over it, She'll hate you, and then love you again, but one day she'll leave..and she wont come back.


When someone comes into your life god sent them for a reason either to learn from them or to be with them till the end. 

Why the hell am I Learning from so many friken people?


I want a cute long relashionship where people would be like 'Damn, They're still together?'


"You promised you wouldn't hurt me"


And I stand there with tears in my eyes with shaky hands and ask myself what it is worth fighting for


Life asked Death "Why do people love me but hate you?" Death responded, "Because you are a beutiful lie and I am a painful truth"


High school is just a never ending cycle of "I need to get through this week"


"Thats how you know you love someone, I guess. When you cant experiance anything without wishing the other person were there to see it, too"


The worst part of it was you left without a proper fucking goodbye and all I could do is sit here and wait and watch the time pass by.


It's easy to love someone when they're happy. Whats hard is loving someone when they're crying on the bethroom floor at 2am because everything came crashing down at once


Because at the end of the day we're all hopless teenaers hypnotized into thinking love is the only key to happiness 


No matter how many people tell my I'm beautifull, I will always think I'm ugly.


Sometimes you feel sad without any reason, And you can't help it. And you cant deal with it.


Someday, I hope that my sadness will be replaced by something beautiful.


I'm sick of making things worse

I'm sick od being hurt

I'm sick of crying myself to sleep

I'm sick of hating everything

I'm sick of faking a smile

I'm sick of feeling this way

I'm sick of letting people down

I'm sick of being me


That last quote Describes me so much, I wanna cry. 

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