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Even Silence has its own voice.


I have this bad habit of forgiving those who arent even sorry.


Monsters are real, ghost are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win.


It's truly amazing how you don't realize how important someone is untill they're gone I swear it only took me five minutes to realize I couldn't be without you but it took you five months.


I show too many people that I care about them, I just turn into some human punching bag to them when they realize I care.


Compassion hurts. When you feel connected to everything, you also feel responsible for everything. And you cannot turn away. Your destiny is bound with the destinies of others. You must either learn to carry the universe or be crushed by it. You must grow strong enough to love the world, yet empty enough to sit down at the same table with its worst horrors.


I'm doing stupid shit again. Like thinking about you.


Kill them with kindness.


How terrible is it to be called beautiful, smart, and strong but end up being alone every night.


Maybe it wont work out. But maybe seeing if it does will be the best adventure ever.


The building blocks of our relashionship are not like Legos. i can not just put them back together.


I never gave up on you because I believe you felt the same way. I promised to life you with all my heart, no matter what. You broke me, and here I sit on the bathroom floor all alone, I'm dead inside, But I still Love you.


Your name Is a reminder of all the pain you have ever made me feel.


I still see you in everything.


All I ever wanted was you.


I cant seem to get you out of my head. I see your face everytime I close my eyes and hear your voice as I fall asleep.


There is a difference between needing and wanting. When I was bleeding and crying I needed you. But when you were bored and no one else was there you wanted me. I was always there.


Last night I wished for your face to stop haunting my dreams, This morning I woke up and cried.


You have no idea how I feel, so shut up.


Mentally ripping myself to pieces.


You tell yourself not to think of him yet, you still do and you're wondering if he's thinking about you too.


I was so small in your life while you were so big in mine.


The dark circle under my eyes are not just from lack of sleep But rather lack of happiness, Lack of motivation, Lack of care, and Lack of you.


I didn't understand what it meant, to finally have controll of something. Then one day someone asked me why do I do it? And I finally understood, because I told that person 'To have control over something in my life'.


I just don't want to be the one that cares more.


It's funny how you can tell when someone likes someone else, but you can't tell when someone likes you.


Words. His damn words fucked me forever.


I feel pathetic when I think of all the conversations I have saved.


I wish I had the power to ignore you, Kinda like how you ignore me.


For a heart so small, It broke into a lot of pieces.


Why do we think love will fix us and make us whole? When in the end it just leaves us more broken than before...?


I hate how easily I get hurt.


Act like you trust people, but don't.


I almost had you, didn't I?


Get of my mind, Give back my heart and get the Fuck away from me.


I almost thought you needed me, Then When I realized you didn't I broke.


False hope, kinda fucking sucks when it doesn't go your way.


Person(Giving advice): Just, If you love someone and they don't love you Ignore them.

Me: Okay, Well let me get right on that.

Person: See isn't it easy?

Me: *Silence*

 *Two weeks Later*

Person: Hey! I havent seen you around in forever what's going on?

Me:You told me to ignore the person I love that doesnt love me back.I'm doing just that.



Quote: Life isn't about grades and relashionships it's about finding who you are inside and learning to love every single thing about youself.

Me:....I fail at life.....?


I love you, you left me for her, she dumped you. How does that make me feel? Pretty shitty.


I feel nothing or I feel everything I don't know which one is worse.

---Author's Note---

Hey Guys! How'd you like those last few things I put in their? Which do you like better, Long quotes that are deep and get to the point slow, or short and quick quotes that go straight to the point but still have meaning? Feedback people! Kbye!

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