Chapter Eighteen: Worst Night

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Chapter Eighteen: Worst Night

LOUD music pumped out from the scrapyard as Selena pulled her car into the dirt lot of Romero Brother's Scrapyard. EZ along with other Mayan members had invited the brunette to the party they were currently throwing at the clubhouse.

Selena had been fulled with excitement to be back at the Mayan clubhouse. It had been a few weeks since she first attended her first party at the scrapyard and Selena had enjoyed that night — especially the way it had ended.

A smile filled the brunette's face as she exited her car, making her way across the dusty lot, waving to familiar faces as she made her way towards the clubhouse in search of EZ.

She knew he was most likely inside behind the bar, serving drinks and doing whatever prospect duties he had to do. Which to be completely honest, Selena still didn't quite understand, but she was slowly learning.

"Selena!" The excited and very slurred voice of Sarah yelled as soon as the brunette stepped into the Mayan clubhouse.

The Vega woman's green eyes landed on the blonde before she had a chance to look around the crowed clubhouse for EZ, watching as the young blonde stumbled towards her with a drunken grin on her face, Diego following closely on her heels.

"Hi, Sarah." Selena raised an eyebrow at Diego as Sarah pulled her into a sloppy hug. "How much have you had to drink?" The older brunette questioned as she gently removed herself from Sarah's tight embrace, staring into the blonde's hazel eyes.

"Not that much." The blonde said slowly, a sheepish smile on her face as she tried her hardest to concentrate on the words coming from her boss' mouth. "I had like four shots." She slurred while holding up two fingers.

Selena shook her head, a small laugh leaving her lips. It would be hypocritical of her to lecture the blonde. Selena had been just like her many of times when she was Sarah's age, and from the looks of it Diego was keeping a close eye on her.

"Can I tell you something?" Sarah whispered as she leaned in closer to Selena. The obnoxious smell of rum filled Selena's nose immediately, making the brunette lean back just a bit from the blonde.

"Yeah." The Vega woman nodded, another small laugh leaving her lips at the excitement that crossed Sarah's face.

"I love your brother." Sarah whispered, a giggle leaving her rum soaked mouth.

The way Sarah's tone held such sincerity in it even in her drunken stupor, Selena knew the young blonde meant her words and it made the brunette happy. Sarah was a good person and Diego could do a whole hell of a lot worse, and he had. Selena could only hope Diego felt the same way.

"That's good, Sarah." The brunette whispered with a smile on her face. "Diego," Selena turned her green eyes onto her brother who stood close to Sarah, his hand resting on her lower back, "keep an eye on her."

There was no doubt in her mind that he planned on doing anything else but that tonight. From what Selena could see it didn't even look like her brother had been drinking at all.

"Of course, Lena." Diego assured with a smile as he wrapped his arm around the blonde.

Selena said her goodbyes to Diego and Sarah before walking over towards the bar, hoping to find EZ behind it, but she was quickly surprised to see Chucky standing behind the bar handing out drinks.

"Hola, señorita!" Chucky smiled as he waved his prosthetic fingers with enthusiasm at the brunette. "What would you like to drink?" He asked, pulling an empty glass out from underneath the bar.

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