Chapter Twenty-One: Good Guy

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Chapter Twenty—One: Good Guy

SELENA was distracted as she absentmindedly sorted through the new shipment of book that had just arrived. Too many thoughts were racing throughout the brunette's mind for her to completely focus.

Lately it had been the falling out with EZ that had kept her mind distracted but after the pair had fixed things between them the other night, more distracting thoughts had taken over.

"He's a good guy. Right?"

"What?" Selena asked, shaking the distracting thoughts from her head. She had heard Sarah's voice but honestly she wasn't paying any attention to the blonde and what she had asked her. Selena's mind was a million miles away.

"Diego." Sarah said with a soft sigh. "He's a good guy. Right?" The blonde repeated, her hazel eyes staring at Selena, waiting for an answer.

A sigh left the brunette's lips. It was not the time or the day to be having a heart to heart conversation with Sarah about her brother, but Selena didn't want to blow off the blonde or her feelings for Diego. It was obvious to everyone (except maybe for Diego ) that Sarah was in love with him.

"Diego is a good guy." Selena assured the young blonde. "I know he's sometimes hard to deal with because he doesn't like to be serious about anything really, but that's just a defense mechanism for him." Th Vega woman said with a frown.

It wasn't easy growing up in the Vega-Cortez household. Arabella Vega-Cortez was a catalyst in the home. The matriarch of the family was never happy woman, always taking her unhappiness out with hurtful comments towards her children. It was as though Arabella wanted to make her children feel as unhappy as she was, like if she couldn't be happy then no one else could either, and to this day she still didn't understand how much that fucked up her children. Or maybe she did and just didn't care.

"He's a good guy though, Sarah." Selena reassured the blonde. "Are you asking me this for a specific reason?" The green eyed brunette questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"No." Sarah shook her head. "I just want to much sure I gave my heart to the right guy." She said softly with a smile before grabbing a stack of books and walking off.

Selena understood Sarah's words all too well. She had given her heart to someone she believed was the right guy once and it ended in divorce. Now, she was slowly giving her heart to EZ, hoping he was the right guy.

A yawn escaped Selena's mouth as she locked the door to Dahlia books. The brunette had been exhausted a lot recently and she couldn't wait to get home and crawl into her comfort bed and just sleep.

"Selena Vega."

The brunette turned away from the door at the sound of an unfamiliar voice calling her name. Her forehead furrowed in curiosity as her green eyes took in a tall man dressed in a suit with braids in his dark hair, his face blank as he stared at the brunette woman.

"Yes. Can I help you?" The Vega woman questioned, raising an eyebrow towards the man. There was something familiar about the man, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. Selena was certain she had seen him around town before.

"Miguel Galindo would like to meet with you tomorrow."

Miguel Galindo was a man Selena had heard about throughout Santo Padre. He was a feared man in both the small town and across the border in Mexico. Why the head of The Galindo Cartel wanted to meet with her was beyond reasons she could fathom.


"You'll see tomorrow." The man said simply before getting into the large SUV without another word and driving off.

Selena shook her head as she watched the SUV drive off down the road. The brunette looked across the street seeing Felipe standing outside of his shop with his arms across his chest and a frown on his face — which wasn't unusual for the older Reyes man. Selena gave him a smile and a wave before getting into her car and driving off.

Tomorrow was sure to be an interesting day and she needed all the sleep she could get.


Sorry this chapter is so short! I honestly feel like my writing is trash lately so I'm going to try and wrap this story up soon and then probably take a break from writing SOA and Mayans fics. Writers block has been bad for me lately as well. I do have a few peaky blinders stories I'm working on and i also have a Negan story out so if you like the walking dead check that out! And keep an eye out of my peaky blinders stories as well!

Thank you for all the votes, comments, and views !!

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