Chapter Five: Teasing

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Chapter Five: Teasing

"What are we doin' here?" Angel questioned EZ with a raised eyebrow as they parked their bikes in front of 'Dahlia Books'

EZ pulled off his helmet, placing it on the handlebar of his motorcycle as his brown eyes looked up at the 'now open' sign above the bookstore. A smile took over his face as he noticed people coming in and out of the small bookstore that once held an important place in his heart.

"I told Selena I'd come by when she officially opened." The younger Reyes said as he dismounted his bike.

EZ was waiting for the smart ass comment that he undoubtedly knew was going to come from Angel's mouth. Ever since Angel had met Selena, he kept making comments and teasing EZ about their Pops next door neighbor, and of course he got Coco and Gilly to join in on the teasing as well.

"Well don't keep your girlfriend waiting." Angel teased with a smirk.

EZ shook his head, deciding it was a waste of his breath to tell Angel how wrong he was. He knew Angel likes teasing him because he had been brooding over Emily for so long, and him showing just the slightest bit of interest in someone new was enough to make Angel push him towards Selena, but EZ knew the green eyed brunette was married. He had seen the ring on her finger the first day he met her, and of course it was ingrained into his memory.

"You staying out here?" EZ asked as he walked towards the bookstore.

"Yeah." Angel nodded. "Don't take too long, Boy Scout. We got shit to do." He reminded as he pulled a cigarette out from his pocket, lighting it swiftly with his lighter.

EZ gave Angel a nod before walking into 'Dahlia Books', the bell above the door rang filling his body with a sense of nostalgia as the sound echoed throughout the small store. The Prospect was a bit surprised to see how many people were actually in the shop, many were browsing around the many different book selections that the small shop offered while a few were in line waiting to pay for their books. He knew Gunilla Vega would be proud of Selena.

"What are you doing here?"

The voice broke EZ from his thoughts as he turned his head and saw Letty standing there with her hands on her hips. He raised an eyebrow as he stared at the teenager, wondering what the hell she was doing there.

"Checking our the store." EZ said simply. "What are you doing here?" He questioned while holding onto the front of his kutte.

"I work here." Letty said rolling her eyes while pointing a finger to the simple white t-shirt she wore that had a pink Dahlia flower on it.

"You work here?" EZ asked, not bothering to hid the shock in his voice.

"I just said that." The teenager said while rolling her eyes once again. "And I'd really like it if you didn't tell Coco." She said while crossing her arms across her chest.

"Okay." EZ nodded. It wasn't his place to tell Coco, though he did wonder why Letty didn't want him to know, but it was none of his business. "See you around, Letty." He said as he walked off towards the classics section.

"So you actually came when we were opened." Selena's voice said as EZ browsed through the books, a few he planned on buying already in his hands. EZ quickly turned around to see a smile on the brunette's face and a stack of books in her arms.

"I said I would." He smiled. "You need help with those?" EZ asked, motioning towards the stack of books in Selena's arms.

"Thanks, but I got them." Selena said. "I wish I could talk some more with you, but I've gotta put these away and do a ton of other shit." The brunette said with an apologetic smile on her face.

"It's fine." EZ assured the brunette. "Angel is waiting outside for me, so I should probably get going anyway." He knew if he stayed any longer that Angel was bound to come into the bookshop and start teasing him in front of Selena.

"See you around, EZ." Selena smiled. "Thanks for coming in." She said before walking off.

EZ watched Selena walk off before quickly paying for the books in his hand and heading back outside. EZ's forehead furrowed with curiosity as he noticed Angel talking to an unknown guy in his twenties with curly dark hair. EZ made his way towards his brother and the stranger, sending a look to Angel as he placed his books into the saddlebag on his bike.

"I'll see you around man." Angel said as he started up his bike, giving a nod to the young man in front of him.

"Yeah." He nodded. "Nice bike." He said, turning his attention onto EZ before walking into 'Dahlia Books.'

"Who was that?" EZ questioned over the loud roar of his brother's bike.

EZ knew whoever he was he was definitely new to Santo Padre. He knew everyone in the small town and remembered every face, and the stranger's face was one he hadn't seen until today.

"Not sure yet." Angel said.


A/N: Sorry this took me forever to update, and sorry it's so short, and sorry this chapter is blah! Thank you for the votes and views! ❤️

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