Chapter Fifteen: Comfortable Silence

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Chapter Fifteen: Comfortable Silence

"THAT'S WHO YOU'RE CHOOSING TO SPEND YOUR TIME WITH?" Arabella Vega scoffed with disgust the moment the two Vega women re-entered the house.

A sigh left Selena's mouth as she pinched the bridge of her nose, the disgust in her mother's tone was giving her an instant migraine. Her mother had always been a judgmental woman — which was surprising giving the kind of life her mother had lived.

Selena shook her head as she walked passed her mother and into the living room. The green eyed brunette could hear her mother's footsteps following closely behind her. She wasn't sure why her mother was here, she hadn't gotten the chance to ask just yet, but all Selena knew was whatever the reason Arabella Vega was in Santo Padre for couldn't be good.

"What are you doing here, mom?" Selena questioned as she turned on her heel to face her mother, crossing her arms across her chest.

The word 'mom' had always tasted foreign and bitter on Selena's tongue. It wasn't a word she used often.

"You're just going to ignore my question then?" Arabella questioned with an arch of her dark eyebrow. "You move to this town and you start dating some guy in a gang? That's your life now, Selena? You let your marriage go to shit, you let Noah get away just so you could fuck that guy."

The pure disgust in her mother's voice as she spoke about EZ was enough to send Selena over the edge. Selena inhaled deeply as she pursed her lips, her brow furrowing in anger. This behavior was typical of Arabella, and Selena should of seen it coming. She should of known her mother would of shown up the moment the news of her upcoming divorce reached the older Vega woman's ears.

"Let's get one thing straight, Arabella" Selena spat her mother's name as she looked at the woman with disgust. "I didn't let my marriage go to shit. Noah was cheating on me and got the other woman pregnant. So, letting Noah get away as you call it was the best thing I ever fucking did!" The brunette's green eyes blazed with anger as she stared at the woman who dared to call herself a 'mother' .

A scoff left Arabella's mouth, "Selena, please."

"I'm not fucking done." Selena said, while holding up a hand towards her condescending mother. "There is so much shit you have done throughout my life, throughout Diego and Rosalina's lives and we forgive you. We always fucking forgive you. You know, I didn't even know about Gunilla until I got a call from a lawyer." Selena paused looking at her mother's face for an sort of empathy, but she only saw a blank face staring back at her.

"So what? You're fucking sad cause you didn't know your grandmother? Get over it Selena! You think I'm a bad fucking mother, huh? You think it's so easy raising children?" A bitter laugh left the older woman's mouth. "Grow the fuck up, Selena." The older Vega woman spat.

"Get out." Selena said slowly, her voice stern. "You don't get to come to my house and judge my life. You don't get to come here and judge EZ either. He's nice, and smart, and he makes me feel good about myself." The brunette could feel a smile forming on her face as she thought about EZ.

A quick look of shock crossed Arabella's face for a moment before it went blank once again, "Good luck with your new life and boyfriend, Selena. I hope he stays out of jail long enough for you to have a good life." The older brunette said with sarcasm and a smirk on her face before stomping out of the house.

A sigh of relief passed though Selena's lips once she heard her mother's car pull out of the driveway and speed off down the road. It was exhausting to get all of that off of her chest, but it felt good too. It was something Selena knew she should of done years ago.

— ✿ —

A BUDDLE OF NERVES FORMED in Selena's stomach as she knocked on EZ's trailer

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A BUDDLE OF NERVES FORMED in Selena's stomach as she knocked on EZ's trailer. After her lovely time with her mother and finishing the rest of her work at the bookstore, she decided to take a drive out to the scrapyard to see the Mayan Prospect. She knew they needed to talk, and she wanted to talk, but her nerves were currently getting the best of her.

"So stupid." Selena muttered to herself. "I should of called before just showing up." The brunette continued to mutter to herself as she paced back and forth in front of the trailer.

"Lena?" EZ questioned as he watched the brunette mutter to herself with a raised eyebrow and a growing smirk on his face.

"Hi," Selena stopped pacing at the sound of EZ calling her name.

Selena's green eyes connected with EZ's brown ones, a smile forming on her face as she looked at the Mayan Prospect. She hadn't known EZ Reyes for long, but she had come to really like him — a lot. It was beginning to scare Selena how much she liked EZ.

"Fuck. I came here to talk to you and here I am just staring at you and talking to myself." The brunette said with a small laugh. "I'm sorry about earlier," Selena began.

She had felt the need to apologize to EZ for her mother's behavior. She knew that EZ could see the judgement in her mother's eyes once once she had introduced them to each other. Selena had been grateful that EZ didn't stuck around for too much longer after that, she didn't want the Reyes man to feel down on himself because of someone like her mother.

"Do you want to come in?" EZ offered with a chuckle. It was quite amusing to see Selena all over the place. The Vega woman was usually cool, calm, and collected. It was a different side of Selena that he liked seeing. Honestly, EZ liked seeing any sides of Selena. He wanted to know everything there was to know about the Vega woman.

"Uh, sure." Selena smiled as she stepped inside the comforts of EZ's trailer. "I'm sorry about earlier," The brunette began again as she sat down at the table. "My mother is —"

"You don't need to apologize for your mother, Lena." EZ quickly cut the green eyed brunette off. "There's no reason for you to apologize to me." He said softly.

"Thank you, EZ." Selena smiled.

"There's no need to thank me, Lena." EZ said, "You're not your mother's actions. You shouldn't have to apologize for her." He added while tucking a piece of loose hair behind her ear.

"I like you, EZ Reyes." Selena blurted out.

"I like you too, Selena Vega." EZ smiled as a small chuckle escaped his mouth.

Selena rested her head against EZ's shoulder, a smile on her face as they sat there in a comfortable silence just enjoying each other's presence.

A/N: Sorry this update took forever! Work has been kicking my ass. Thank you for all the votes, comments, and views!

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