Chapter Ten: Ending

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Chapter Ten: Ending

LA was loud and too busy

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LA was loud and too busy. It took Selena moving to Santo Padre to make her realize just how much she really hated the city. The green eyed woman sat in the waiting room of Cortez and Company law offices waiting for her meeting with Roman to begin.

It had been a week since Noah dropped his bomb on her and a week of non-stop phone calls from her soon to be ex husband begging for Selena to take him back. It was hard for the brunette not to answer her phone whenever his number pop up, but she forced herself not to give in. She still loved Noah, but she knew she'd never be able to forgive or trust him again, and she couldn't be in a marriage where there was no trust.

"Miss Vega," The secretary said with a smile on her face. "Mr. Cortez will see you now."

Selena nodded, giving a small smile to the young brunette behind the desk. She grabbed her purse off of her lap and let out a deep sigh before walking towards Roman's office. It had been years since she had last saw her former stepfather, and ideally this wasn't the way she wanted to see him again.

"Selena!" Roman smiled while walking towards the brunette with his arms wide open. "It's so good to see you again. Well, not under these circumstances." He quickly added while pulling his former stepdaughter into a tight hug.

"It's good to see you too." She said with a small laugh.

Roman was one of the better ones of husbands her mother had. He had treated Selena like she were his own daughter and he always made sure that she, Diego, and Sofia had what they needed. He could be a hard ass, but he cared and it was more than Selena could say for their mother.

"Sit, sit." Roman said while motion towards the large leather chair across from his cherry wood desk. "Would you like a drink?" He asked while pouring himself a glass of water.

"No, thank you." Selena said with a small smile. She honestly just wanted to get this over and done with and get back to Santo Padre as soon as possible. She had left Diego in charge of the bookstore for the day, and she wasn't sure if that was one of her smarter ideas.

"Alright," Roman nodded his face turning serious. "I believe I can get you a divorce granted fairly quick, with Noah's years long affair and a child on the way I don't see why a judge wouldn't grant you one quickly." He elaborated.

A pain fulled her heart at the mention of Noah having a child on the way. Selena had always thought it would be her and Noah having a baby not Noah and some other woman. It was pain she didn't think would go away for a long time.

"That's good." Selena said slowly while nodding her head. "I would like it to be over as quick a possible. I'm not asking him for anything. I don't want any of his money or any possessions. I just want this all over with." She said softly.

"I think that's smart." Roman nodded in agreement.

Selena sat there in Roman's office for the next few hours going over details of her divorce. It felt like all of Roman's words were going in one ear and out the other. She felt like she was in the twilight zone. It didn't feel real to her that her marriage — a marriage she had once been so happy in was ending.


"Diego!" Selena called as she walked into the bookstore, her green eyes scanning the shop to make sure everything was alright and nothing was on fire.

"Hey, sis." Diego stumbled out of the office with a smile on his face. "How was dear ole' dad?" He asked while running a hand threw his growing hair.

"Fine." Selena said while raising her eyebrow at her brother's appearance. "Where's Sarah?" She questioned while crossing her arms across her chest.

"Uh, bathroom I think." He said while rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish grin on appearing on his face.

A sigh left Selena's mouth as she shook her head at her brother. She knew that look all too well from him. "Seriously, D."

"So, we're good here? I'm good to go?" Diego asked while grabbing his jacket from behind the counter. "I've got a thing I've gotta get to."

"Go." The brunette said with a sigh. Selena watched as Diego exited the bookstore, wondering where he was spending most of his time lately and who with.


A/N: sorry this chapter is so short and filler, and crappy. Also, the gifs I use in all of my stories aren't mine and I don't take credit for them. I find them on google and credit goes to whoever made them.

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