Chapter Twenty-Nine: List

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SELENA SAT SILENTLY AS EZ read over the offer that Emily Galindo had given her a few hours prior

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SELENA SAT SILENTLY AS EZ read over the offer that Emily Galindo had given her a few hours prior. While she was silent, inside she was fuming. How dare this woman come into her business and think she could buy her off. It was infuriating.

Dahlia Books was given to her from her grandmother, and while she had never known the woman it still meant a lot to Selena that her grandmother , a woman she had never gotten the chance to know due to her mother had left her a place that she had loved so much. To give that up just for some money would be foolish of her.

"I don't care about the money." Selena said once EZ finished looking over the papers in his hands. It was essentially a contract he had read — an offer from the Galindo's that most couldn't or wouldn't refuse, but Selena would.

"I'm not giving into them. I'm not selling them the book shop." Selena stated matter of factly as she placed a hand over her every growing baby bump.

Dahlia Books would be passed on to their children once they left this world and so on and so on. If ever their children or grandchildren wanted to make the choice to sell they could but, it was a choice that would not be made right now. It would not be forced upon her with big money.

EZ looked at Selena with a loving smile as placed his large hand over her growing baby bump. He didn't know how, but everyday his heart grew to love the woman besides him more and more. The Reyes man wasn't sure if he believed in soulmates after everything that happened with Emily, but once he met Selena he knew. He knew Selena was his and everything before was just young love.

"I would never ask you to. I'll talk to Emily and tell her to stop bothering you, that you're not going to sell the shop now or in the future." The smile on EZ's face grew wider as he felt his daughter's kicks at the sound of his voice.

The upcoming fatherhood had made EZ feel a type of love he never thought possible. He has never expected to be a father. Especially with his past. The Mayan had been so scared when he and Selena learned of her pregnancy, he feared she wouldn't want a child with him and would go the route that Emily had did all those years ago. She didn't though and they were on their way to making their own little family that EZ hoped one day would be bigger than just the three of them.

"I don't want to put you in the middle." Selena placed a hand on EZ's forearm. "I know you do business with Miguel and I don't want it to become a problem for you and the club. I can handle this." Her voice was soft as she spoke, her green eyes staring into his brown ones.

Selena didn't know the full extent of The Mayans business with Miguel, and she didn't need to. She had heard the whispers and knew the looks she got whenever she walked down the street by herself or with EZ. It didn't bother her though. EZ treated her amazing and he was going to be an amazing father so, people could whisper and look if they wanted to.

In Selena's opinion it was better to have a man that cared and truly loved her than one that cheated and only pretended to love her.

EZ shook his head. He didn't want Selena to be stressed out. Especially over this. He would handle Emily and Miguel — if it came to that.

"Lena, you're the mother of my daughter and my girlfriend." EZ slightly cringed at the word 'girlfriend' not because he didn't love Selena, but because he wanted her to be more. He felt 'girlfriend' was such a small word compared to what she really was to him. "I don't want you getting stressed or upset. It's not healthy for you or my little princess. I'll handle it." His tone was firm as he rubbed small circles on the palm of Selena's hand.

The brunette opened her mouth to protest but quickly closed it once she realized it was pointless to start an argument with EZ. She knew he would handle it and she trusted that he would but, if Emily or even Miguel continued to come into the shop she herself would handle the situation.

"Okay." Selena smiled while leaning over to place a kiss on his lips. "I love you, EZ."

"I love you too, Lena." EZ placed a kiss on top of her head before pulling her close into his side.


SELENA WALKED INTO THE MAYAN CLUBHOUSE with her arms full of grocery bags and Letty following closely behind with her bags in her arms as well.

The Vega woman had decided a home cooked meal was much needed for the club and the guys had happily agreed with her. It had been so long since anyone besides EZ, Angel, and on the rare occasion Diego when he decided to visit got a decent meal.

"I'll take those from you." Chucky quickly grabbed the bags from Selena's arms, giving the brunette a smile.

"Thank you, Chucky." Selena smiled at the quirky man whom she grew to adore. "I hope you like ropa vieja." She smiled as Letty walked passed her and towards the kitchen. "It's what I'm cooking tonight."

Ropa Vieja was the only dish that Arabella actually took the time to teach Selena had to make. It was one of the only motherly things she had ever done and something Selena had enjoyed.

"It sounds delicioso señora." Chucky smiled, placing the bags down before waving a quick goodbye and leaving Selena and Letty alone to prepare for dinner.

"Have you and EZ thought of any names?" Letty asked as she began to chop up some peppers.

Selena began to season the steak as she thought about Letty's question. The couple had a few names in mind, but they hadn't settled on one just yet. It seemed like day after day they kept finding more names to add to the list of names they already liked as well.

"We have a few." The older brunette laughed. "We can't seem to decide on one."

"I think Talulah is a nice name." Letty suggested with a shrug. Letty was thankful for Selena coming into her life. The Vega woman was like the mother she never had and she was so happy for her and EZ. She knew without a doubt she would love the Reyes baby like a sister.

A smile formed on Selena's face at Letty's suggestion. The bond the two had built was a special one to Selena and she hoped Letty and her daughter would build a special bond as well.

"I'll add it to the list." Selena assured with as smile as Letty nodded a smile forming on her face.

The kitchen grew into a comfortable silence between the pair as they continued to cook and sing along to the radio that Chucky had turned on for them.

This was the life Selena had dreamed of. A happy life with people who loved her and people she loved by her side.


next chapter I'll be jumping ahead a little bit so Selena is further a long in her pregnancy. There's probably only a few more chapters left before the end. Thank you for Al the votes and comment!

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