CHAPTER TWO: Dahlia Books

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CHAPTER TWO: Dahlia Books

A warm breeze blew through the open door of 'Dahlia' books, causing Selena to sneeze a few times as dust floated around the small bookshop. It was an absolute mess inside, it looked like the inner workings of a horror novel with cobwebs everywhere, dust covering the books, and an old wooden floor that groaned whenever she moved throughout the shop. Selena was in awe of all the books that filled the shelves, she had always been an avid reader and always wondered who she inherited her love of books from, because she sure as hell knew it wasn't from the people who called themselves her parents. Selena's mother - Arabella Vega was a very complicated woman, and her father was in and out of her life so much that she barely remembered what he looked like much less what his hobbies were.

The brunette grabbed the broom she had brought from the many clean supplies she had picked up before getting to the bookshop, and began sweeping away a year's worth of dirt from the floor. Selena hadn't planned on coming into 'Dahlia' books just yet, she was going to wait until Noah got to Santo Padre before starting to clean away a year's worth of dust, but she had grown bored at the house and was filled with too much anticipation to wait.

Selena began to him as she swept around the shop, thoughts of everything she had to do before she could officially open the bookstore invaded her mind. She had to make sure the shop was up to code still, make sure all the plumbing was still in perfect shape, and eventually hire a couple of people to help out. But most important she had to make sure 'Dahlia' books would bring in customers once again. It didn't help that it had been closed for a year, she hoped people still cared enough about the small shop to give it another chance.


Selena's forehead furrowed in confusion as she head a deep voice enter the bookshop. She swiftly made her way towards the front of the store, slapping herself mentally for leaving the door wide open. She knew she should of kept it closed but the dust was becoming too much for her. "Hi, I'm sorry we're not opened yet." The brunette said with a smile as her green eyes took in the back of a tall man's frame, her eyes immediately reading the back of his leather vest. "Mayans MC." She mumbled to herself with confusion in her voice.

"Sorry." He turned around with a dusty book in his large hands. "This place has been closed for a year, and I guess I got excited when I saw the door open." He said almost embarrassed as he wiped the dust from the book.

"Well hopefully you'll still be excited when we actually open." Selena laughed. "That's a great book." The brunette said while pointing to the book in his large hands. "It's one of my favorites."

"Mine too." He said with a smile on his lips. "Ezekiel Reyes." He said while holding a hand out for her to shake. "You can call me EZ though." Ezekiel said while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Selena Vega-Keaton." She said while placing her small hand into his much large one.

"Vega?" EZ questioned with curiosity. The Mayan prospect wondered if the brunette standing in front of him was in any way related to old Ms. Vega, though as far as he knew she didn't have any family. Ezekiel had already figured out she was the brunette he saw moving into the blue house yesterday.

"She was my abuela." It still felt weird to Selena to call a woman she had never met before her abuela.

"I didn't know Gunilla had any family."

Selena simply nodded. "Well, I should get back to cleaning." The brunette said hoping the man in front of her got the hint.

"Shit, right." EZ nodded as he went to put the book back in it's original place.

"Take it." Selena said. "It's nice to meet someone else who enjoys the classics." She said with a smile.

Ezekiel gave her a smile and placed the book in the inside pocket of his kutte. "Thanks. I'll be back when you officially open." He said with a small chuckle before exiting the bookstore.

Selena watched Ezekiel Reyes ride off on his motorcycle before she began sweeping again. The brunette needed to get this place all cleaned up if she wanted to open in a weeks time like she planned to.


It was dark outside by the time Selena locked up the bookstore. The brunette had spent all day cleaning the small shop, and was finally content with how it looked after hours of scrubbing and dusting. Selena was content with how it looked, but she still knew there was a lot that had to be done, but right now she just wanted to put on one of Noah's shirts and crawl into bed.

The brunette looked across the street at Carniceria Reyes, her green eyes taking notice of EZ leaning against his bike. She gave him a wave before getting into her car and making the short drive to her new home.


A/N: Sorry this is so short.

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