Chapter Nine: Lawyer

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Chapter Nine: Lawyer

The loud sound of music was the first thing EZ heard as he parked his bike. His brown eyes looked over at the blue house with confusion as heard yelling and what sounded like glass breaking. The Mayan Prospect quickly place his helmet on the handlebar of his bike and made his way swiftly towards Selena's house.

EZ placed his hand on the gun that he had tucked away in his waistband before knocking loudly against the old door. He put his ear up to the door, trying to listen to what exactly was going on inside of the old Vega home, but all he heard was music. He knocked again — his knuckles growing red as they pounded against the door.

"EZ?" Selena questioned, looking at the Reyes man with a tear stained face. "Fuck. I'm so sorry I probably woke you and your Pop up with the music." She quickly apologized while rubbing at her bloodshot green eyes.

In the mist of her pain and anger the brunette had forgotten about her neighbors. She was surprised to see it was EZ on her porch and not some cop checking up on a noise complaint.

"You didn't wake me up, but I'm not so sure about everyone else." He teased with a small chuckle as he took in her bloodshot eyes and tear stained face. "Is everything okay?" He asked. EZ was a smart man — practically a genius, but that question was not one of his smarter moments. It was obvious that things weren't okay.

A short laugh left Selena's lips at EZ's question. "No. Everything is not okay." She said while running a hand through her dark hair.

It grew silent between them as EZ tried to think of something to say. He didn't want to pry too much into Selena's life. They were friends or at least he considered them to be friends, but he wasn't so certain if they were good enough friends yet for him to be prying into her life.

"Do you want to come in?" Selena asked, her watery green eyes looking into his brown ones.

She didn't feel like being alone in the house anymore and since Diego wasn't at home right now, and she had no idea when he would be, Selena needed someone to keep her company to help keep the sadness and anger at bay for the moment.

EZ nodded and stepped passed Selena as he walked into the house. The once loud music was still on but at a much lower volume, yet it still bounced off the walls of the old house like an angry fist.

"What happened?" EZ asked as his eyes took noticed of smashed picture frames on the wooden floors, glass laying on the floor like a welcomed friend.

"They fell." Selena said in a monotone before walking off towards the kitchen.

EZ raised an eyebrow as he watched the brunette walk off. He walked over towards one of the broken picture frames and picked up the photo with gentle fingers.

"That use to be my favorite photo." Selena said as she walked back into the living room with two beers in her hands. "We had just moved into our first apartment." She said with a small smile while looking at the photo in EZ's large hands.

It was a happier time, but in the back of her mind she couldn't help but wonder if their whole relationship had been built on lies. Had there always been other women? Or was it just this one?

"Uh, thanks." EZ said while taking the beer from her hand and awkwardly handing the photo to Selena. "Selena," EZ started his voice soft as he placed a hand on her shoulder.


A sigh passed through Selena's lips at the sound of Diego's voice entering the house. She gave EZ a small laugh as a look of confusion fell across his face. "It's just my brother." She told him as he removed his hand from her shoulder.

"Len — hey, man." Diego nodded towards the Mayan Prospect.

"Hey." EZ nodded back as he held back the shock that wanted to cross his features.

He couldn't believe the guy Angel had been bringing around the clubhouse — talking with Bishop about him being a new prospect, and the guy who had complimented his bike a few weeks back outside of Selena's bookstore was her brother. EZ couldn't believe he didn't put it together when Diego told Angel he just moved into town to live with his older sister.

"I should go." EZ said while running a hand over his short hair. "I'll see you around." He said giving Selena a small smile.

"Yeah." The brunette nodded while trying her best to mustered up a smile for EZ.

EZ nodded a goodbye to Diego before making his out of the house, but not before hearing Diego's threats to beat up Noah.


"I know people in LA who could beat him up." Diego said as he followed Selena around the house helping her clean up the mess she had made.

"No." Selena said with a sigh as she dumped the dustpan full of glass into the garbage. "I just need a lawyer, D."

Selena wanted her divorce over as soon as possible. She didn't want it dragged out for years, and she didn't want the messy fight over money. Noah made a good amount of money at his job, but Selena had always made sure to make her own as well. She didn't need Noah's money to live, and she sure as hell wasn't going to ask for any of it.

"You want me to call Roman?" Diego asked with disgust as his father's name left his mouth.

Roman Cortez was one of the best damn lawyers in California, and if his sister needed him to call his father than he'd do it without hesitation because he'd do anything for Selena. Even if that meant dealing with his father.

"You can just give me his number and I'll call him myself." Selena said. She knew Diego and Roman didn't always have the best relationship and she felt bad for asking, but Roman was one of the best lawyers.

"It's fine. I'll do it. I gotta talk to him at some point." Diego said with a grin before placing a kiss on Selena's cheek before walking out of the kitchen with his phone in his hand.

Selena made her way out of the kitchen, shutting off the light in the living room before making her way slowly up the stairs. The brunette was beyond exhausted and more than ready to curl up into her bed and sleep away the next day or two.


A/N: Thank you all for the votes, comments, and views! It means a ton to me!

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