Chapter Twenty: Explanation

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Chapter Twenty: Explanation

A groan left Selena's mouth as she rested her sweaty face against the cool tiled floor of Dahlia books bathroom.

The last few days had been exhausting for the green eyed brunette. Anything she had tried to eat found it's way at the bottom of a toilet and when she wasn't throwing up everything in her stomach, she was constantly tired. It didn't matter how much sleep she had gotten the night before, all her body seemed to crave was sleep.

Sighing the brunette picked herself up from the cool floor, quickly rinsing out the horrible taste from her mouth with water and looking at her reflection in the mirror. A heavy sigh left Selena's lips as her bright green eyes looked dull and tired, there were bags under her eyes and her normally skin kissed skin looked pale.

Selena ran a hand through her dark hair before placing a smile on her face and making her way back towards the front of the bookstore.

"Are you okay, Lena?" Sarah's voice was full of concern as she eyed her boss.

The blonde's question caused Letty's head to snap towards the pair, the teenager's brown eyes growing wide as she quickly noticed just how sick Selena had looked.

"I'm fine." Selena assured Sarah, waving her hand dismissively at the blonde's concern. "It's just a little stomach bug." She smiled.

"Maybe you should go home for the day?" Letty suggested. "We're more than capable of taking care of the store while you go home." The Cruz teenager assured.

"I'm fine, Letty." Selena reassured the brunette teenager.

It wasn't that she didn't trust the two girls to run the store if she went home. Selena  knew Sarah and Letty were more than capable, but if she went home she would just sleep and Selena was tired of sleeping. It was all she had been doing lately.

A huff of annoyance left Letty's mouth at Selena's stubbornness. She could now see why EZ was having a hard time trying to have a conversation with the green eyed brunette.

"You're so damn stubborn." Letty muttered before walking off with a stack of books in her arms.

A sigh left Selena's lips at Letty's words. It wasn't the first someone had said those words to her and she doubt it would be the last.

SELENA sat comfortably on the couch, a glass of ginger-ale in front of her as an old movie played on the tv. The bubbly soda seemed to be the only thing right now that could calm Selena's nausea stomach.

The brunette had the house to herself for the first time in a while since Letty had practically moved in with her. The Cruz teen had decided to have some bonding time with Coco for the night and Diego, well, even though he still had a room in the old house he spent most of his nights at the clubhouse or at Sarah's apartment.

A hesitant knock on the door pulled Selena from the comforts of her couch, sighing the brunette reluctantly removed her tired body from the couch and made her way towards the door.

"EZ?" Selena questioned as her forehead furrowed with confusion as she leaned against the door.

The Vega woman hadn't been expecting to see The Reyes man standing on her porch. It had been a week since she last saw him, quickly dismissing him when he asked if they could talk. Selena had figured that EZ had gotten the hint that she didn't want to talk because he no longer called or texted her since then.

"Can I come in?" The Reyes man asked while rubbing the back of his neck.

EZ knew Selena could easily slam the door in his face and continue to ignore him like she had been doing but he hoped she wouldn't.

It was silent for a moment as Selena thought it over, but with some hesitation she nodded her head, allowing EZ to step inside the house.

The tense silence continued as Selena led EZ into the living room. There was a lot on her mind as she stared at EZ, an explanation was coming whether she wanted to hear one or not.

"I just want a chance to finally explain to you what happened that night." EZ began as his brown eyes looked over Selena. "Then I'll go." He added, sadness creeping into his voice.

Selena nodded, encouraging EZ to continue.

"Nothing happened that night between me and Emily. I know it sounds like a fucking cliche, but I promise you nothing happened. Emily and I have a long history and I should of told you about her, but that's all it is between us — history."

EZ paused for a moment to gauge Selena's reaction, but the brunette's face was blank of emotions as were her green eyes.

"She came over that night, and yeah, we got to talking about old memories and bullshit but that's all. Emily is nothing more than a friend now. Selena, I love you and when I met you I had no intention of falling in love with you. I mean, look at me I'm a fuck up and you're this amazing person."

The Reyes man hadn't even realized those three words had slipped from his mouth until he saw Selena's green eyes grow wide. He quickly shut his mouth, a thick silence once again filling the house as they stared at each other.

"I believe you." Selena said softly.

EZ breathed a sigh of relief at Selena's words. He had been waiting weeks to hear those words leave her lips.

"I believe you, EZ." Selena said again. "But, maybe we moved things between us too quickly. I have baggage, EZ. You don't want to get yourself involved with me." The brunette said while running a hand through her dark hair.

Thoughts of her divorce playing in her mind as she spoke. Maybe getting into a relationship so soon after Noah hadn't been the smartest idea no matter how slow EZ and her had decided to take things. Noah had hurt her and in the back of her mind she would always wonder if things with EZ would end up hurting her too.

"I can handle your baggage, Lena." EZ stated, his voice firm. The Reyes man was no stranger to baggage, having his own. "What I can't handle is you pushing me away."

"I'm not trying to push you away, EZ." Selena said. "I'm just letting you know I'm not perfect or amazing like you think. I don't want you to put me up on this pedestal only to be let down."

There was a vulnerability in Selena's voice that made EZ's heart break. He swiftly closed the gap between them with a few strides and wrapped his arms around the brunette.

"Don't worry about letting me down — ever." EZ assured the brunette in his arms. "I love you." He told Selena again while placing a kiss on the top of her head.


A/N: This chapter is a mess.

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