Chapter Thirty - Swan Song

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BABY REYES WAS BOUND TO MAKE HER appearance any week now

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BABY REYES WAS BOUND TO MAKE HER appearance any week now. The months had passed by quickly and Selena was more than ready for her and EZ's daughter to be born.

A content sigh left her lips as she watched the club help EZ move his things into her home — their home. While the Reyes man had practically live in the old Victorian home he had officially move in yet until now. Angel had made a joke that it was "about fucking time" when EZ ask the club to help him move and Diego made a joke — "what are you waiting until marriage to move in."

The jokes were funny, but the marriage joke made Selena's heartbeat quicken a bit. She would love to marry EZ one day if he asked. She knew he was the one for her. It wasn't like what she had before with Noah — it wasn't a relationship built on lies.

"Are you excited big sis?" Diego's voice broke her from her thoughts as he placed an arm around her shoulder.

Selena smiled at the wide grin on her brother's face. When he first showed up in Santo Padre she had been worried for him and when he joined the club she was terrified, but after getting to know them and knowing Diego was in good hands she was proud of her younger brother. He was doing well and he still had Sarah by his side.

"Of course I'm excited. I honestly can't believe this is my life right now." Selena could feel tears forming in her eyes and she chalked that up to pregnancy hormones. "After everything with Noah and you know what we both went through with Arabella. I never would have thought I'd be here with a man I love so much getting ready to have a daughter." The tears that filled her green eyes began to spill over.

"You're gonna be the best mom ever." Diego stated matter of factly, placing a kiss on the top of her head.

"Thanks, D." A wide smile took over her face as she wiped away the tears.

"Have you spoken to Rosalie?" He questioned with a frown. Diego hadn't been around when their mother dropped their younger sister off all alone and afraid and he always felt regret about that. He still couldn't muster up the courage to call her even know when she was still living in LA with their father.

"She's doing good." Selena nodded with a soft smile. "She's working with Roman and his girlfriend to pick the perfect adoptive parents for the baby."

Rosalie had came to the decision that adoption was the best choice for her and Selena supported her decision one hundred percent. It was her decision to make and no one else could make it for her.

"Call her. She misses you." Selena told her brother with a firm voice.

"I will." Diego promised with a smile before Angel called him over to help.

A laugh left Selena's lips as she shook her head and headed towards the kitchen to make some food for the men that had all become like brother's and uncles to her.

Selena was lucky enough to be able to create the family she had always need along the way in life. Her family life had never been the best and when she met EZ the club came along with him and she would always be grateful for that.


A GROAN LEFT SELENA'S MOUTH AS EZ PRACTICALLY had to drag her aching body towards their table in the dimly lit restaurant. Her heavily pregnant body ached and all she wanted to do was take a bath and sleep, but EZ had other plans and the excitement on his face was too much for Selena to say no.

"This is a really cute place." Selena commented as they were led towards the outside were it was lit up by lights and had beautiful flowers all around. It looked like it's own little secret garden. "Oh wow. EZ this is just beautiful. I never knew this place was here." The brunette took in the view with wide eyes and amazement.

A smile took over EZ's features. He knew she would love this place the moment he found it, and by the look on her face he was right.

"It's one of Santo Padre's best kept secrets." He said while placing a kiss on her cheek. "I love you so much, Lena." He added with a seriousness in his tone as his dark eyes stared into her green ones.

"I love you so much too, Ezekiel." A smirk took over her face as she leaned up to place a kiss on his lips.

EZ began to fumble with the ring in his kutte pocket as he thought of all the words he wanted to say to Selena. He wanted her to know how much he loved her and how he would always be there for her and their daughter.

"Are you okay?" Selena asked with a raised eyebrow  as she watched EZ fumble around in his kutte pocket.

"Yeah, yeah." He nodded quickly. "I want you to know I'll love you forever no matter if we fight or if you continue to steal the blankets at night. I love you like I have loved no one else. Selena, you have taught me what real love is and you're giving me the greatest gift ever — a daughter. You're making me a father and I promise to love our daughter and future  children forever. What I'm trying to ask you is, will you marry me Selena Vega?" He questioned as he pulled the ring box from his pocket.

Tears were already pouring down the brunette's eyes from EZ's little speech and now here he was standing in front of here in this beautiful garden asking for her to marry him.

Selena nodded, her words failing her at the moment.

"Is that a yes?" EZ teased.

"Yes! A million times." Selena nodded with a face breaking smile as she threw her arms around EZ.

EZ held on tightly to Selena. He couldn't believe this was his life. He had gone from prison to finding the love of his life to now being engaged and having a daughter on the way. It was all he ever wanted.

"EZ." Selena spoke with a small panic raising in her voice.


"My water just broke."


So, next chapter will be the last for Selena and EZ. Thank you for all the votes and comments! I appreciate it so much! ❤️

 Thank you for all the votes and comments! I appreciate it so much! ❤️

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