Chapter Twenty-Eight: Dangerous Life

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SELENA SAT ACROSS from Felipe in silence, waiting for the man to speak

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SELENA SAT ACROSS from Felipe in silence, waiting for the man to speak. The patriarch of the Reyes men had come over early this morning, knocking on her door with two cups of coffee in his hands.

It has been weeks since Selena had talked to the older Reyes, his reaction to her pregnancy hadn't gone over well and she wasn't exactly sure why and Felipe hadn't offered a reason either.

Felipe cleared his throat as he took a sip from his cup of coffee, his eyes staying focusing on Selena though ( or rather her baby bump that kept growing )

"I'm sorry for my reaction." Felipe finally spoke as he placed his cup back down on the table. "I'm not upset that you're pregnant." He added with a soft smile.

Selena nodded. His words still didn't explain his reaction though. He had acted as though her pregnancy was the worst thing in the world, but now here he was saying he wasn't upset. It was all confusing to her.

"You have come to be like a daughter to me in such a short time. I know you love my son very much and he loves you like no other." The Reyes man spoke, the smile on his face growing larger.

It made Selena's heart swell to hear Felipe say this words. She had come to see the older man like a father figure. Sure, she had Roman but he wasn't around much and she never knew her real father, so her bond with Felipe had meant a lot to her.

"I think of you like a father, Felipe. I hope you know that and I do love Ezekiel very much." Selena stated matter of factly as she placed a loving hand over her ever growing stomach.

" I know mi hija." Felipe nodded. "But, you must know this life is not easy. Ezekiel's lifestyle could put you and mi nieta in serious danger.  Are you prepared for that?" He questioned as the smile fell from his face and a frown replaced it.

Felipe's words sunk into her brain. Selena knew EZ's life was a dangerous one , she had known that from day one when he walked into her bookshop with his leather kutte on but, she had fallen from him and she would take the lifestyle that came with him because living without was something Selena could never do now that she had him.

"I am. I love your son and I know what comes with that." The brunette stated firmly.

Felipe nodded, "good."

THE SOFT HUM of the radio played in the background as Selena behind the register of Dahlia Books. It was close to closing time and Letty and Sarah both had gone home already leaving just Selena.

EZ would be on his way soon to help Selena and make sure everything was alright. He hated that Selena still worked during her pregnancy and would have preferred she stopped or at least took it easier, but Selena loved being at the bookshop too much and she knew once baby Reyes came she would be gone from the shop for a while.

The bell above the door rang out causing Selena looked up from the book she had been skimming through.

A small frown formed on her face as she saw Emily Galindo enter the small bookshop, her blonde hair pulled into a tight ponytail.

"Hi, is there anything I can help you with?" Selena asked as her green eyes watched the Galindo woman.

Emily placed a smile on her face, "oh no. I'm not looking for anything I just wanted to come and congratulate you and EZ. I heard you two were expecting."

Selena nodded as a tight smile took over her face. "Well thank you. That is very nice of you."

"Of course. I mean, all of that with EZ and I is ancient history. It's nice to see him doing well." Emily smiled as she pulled an envelope from her purse.

"Yeah." Selena said slowly as she watched the blonde, hoping EZ would get here soon.

"I do have to confess that's not the only reason why I'm here."

Selena raised an eyebrow at the blonde, placing a protective hand over her stomach. She have no idea what Emily wanted but, she had a feeling it had to do with the envelope in her hands.

"This is for you. Please, read it over carefully before doing anything too rash." Emily said her voice sounding intimidating or at least trying to sound it.

Selena eyed the envelope before grabbing it from the blonde's hand. "If this is an offer for the store I don't want it."

"Like I said don't be too rash with your decision." Emily smiled before quickly turning on her heel and exiting the bookshop.

Selena watched as the door closed behind her, watching as EZ's motorcycle pulled up a moment later.

A sigh left Selena's mouth as she shoved the envelope under her arm. There was no way she would sell her grandmother's shop to anyone but especially to the Galindo's.

This place was hers to pass down and the Galindo's would not be getting their greedy hands on it. Selena would fight them if that's what they wanted — she would give them one hell of a fight.


𝐀𝐍 —
Sorry I took forever to update and sorry it's so short! I'm just now getting back into the grove of writing for this story! Thank you for all the comments and votes!

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