Chapter Eight: Over

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Chapter Eight:  Over

"What do you know about The Mayans?" Diego asked randomly as he leaned against the desk in Selena's office.

Selena raised an eyebrow at her younger brother's question, her green eyes narrowing at him as she looked up from the computer screen. "Nothing." Selena said while running a hand through her hair. "Why?"

Curiosity ran through her mind at Diego's sudden interest in Santo Padre's local biker club. Well, honestly Selena wasn't really sure what the right term for them was, but she didn't think calling them a gang was correct.

"I don't know I'm just wondering." Diego said with a shrug. "I notice that guy, EZ always hanging around here and I noticed his vest." He simply explained, but Selena knew there was definitely more to his curiosity — there always was.

Selena held back the smile that wanted to break out onto her face at the mention of EZ. The Reyes man had been stopping by the bookshop often usually around closing time always claiming he was checking in on his Pop, and wanted to check in on her as well. It was nice to have EZ come around and check on her. It was nice to have a friend.

"Don't even think about it." Selena warned her brother. There was always a look Diego got in his eyes whenever he was going to do something that wasn't the best idea, and right now he had that look in his big brown eyes.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Lena." He said with an innocent smile on his face. "I'll be home late." Diego said as he pushed himself off of the desk. "Don't wait up for me." He added with a smile before walking out of Selena's office.

Selena shook her head as she pushed her chair back from the desk and made her way back towards the front of the bookstore. The brunette quickened her steps as she heard Sarah — a new employee trying to calm down a woman who was cursing at the young girl.

"Excuse me, is there a problem here ma'am?" Selena questioned, keeping her tone cool as she stared at the older woman. The older woman look like she had seen a lot in her life, and in a way reminded Selena of her own mother. "Sarah why don't you go get some sandwiches from Mr. Reyes." The brunette suggested with a smile while handing some money from her pocket over to the teenager.

The blonde teen nodded and quickly took the money from Selena's hand before swiftly making her way out of the bookshop and across the street.

"You the owner of this place?" The woman questioned as she stared down Selena.

"Yes." Selena nodded while crossing her arms across her chest. She wasn't going to play nice with this woman, and she could tell the woman in front of her wasn't going to either. "I don't know what your problem is, but I don't appreciate you coming into my business and harassing my employee, and causing a scene." The brunette kept her tone icy as she stared at the woman.

"Letty doesn't work for you anymore."

"Excuse me?" Selena questioned, her forehead furrowing at the woman's words.

"I didn't stutter." She said. "That girl has more important things to be doin' than wasting time in this little fuckin' bookstore." The woman said with disgust as her eyes looked around the store. "Have a nice day." She said with a sarcastic smile before making her way out of the bookshop.

Selena stood there watching the woman drive away, a bit of shock on her features at the crassness of the woman and wondering who the hell was she, and what relation did she have to Letty?


It was nearing midnight, and Selena was more than ready for bed after the day she had, but she found herself laying on the couch watching some romantic comedy that was completely unrealistic and yet she couldn't find it in herself to shut the tv off.

"Like that would ever happen." Selena huffed as she drink down the last of her wine. "Who writes this shit anyway?" She rolled her eyes at the tv.

A knock on the door forced Selena from her comfort position on the couch, with a sigh she made her way towards the door while silently cursing Diego for forgetting his key.

"How many times do I -" Selena started to say before closing her mouth and her green eyes going wide as she stared at Noah standing there on the other side of the door. "What's wrong?" She questioned immediately.

Selena could feel it in her stomach that something was wrong. It wasn't just the fact that Noah was standing in front of her at midnight in Santo Padre. Sure that itself was enough to sent her mind into a frenzy, but it was the look on his face that really told her something was wrong.

"I fucked up, Selena." He spoke while running a hand through his dark blonde hair. "I'm having an affair."

The words felt like someone had taken her heart and stomped on it before running it over with a truck. She could hear the end of the stupid romcom on her tv and some stupid upbeat love song was currently playing, and all Selena could think was her heart had just been smashed to a million pieces while some stupid fucking pop song was playing in the background.

"For how long?" She asked, her tone cold as she stared at her husband.

"Three years."

"Three years? Three fucking years?" She laughed as tears formed in her eyes. "That's not just a fucking affair, Noah! That's a whole fucking relationship."

How could she have been so stupid to not notice her husband had been cheating on her for three fucking years? No wonder he was so okay with her moving to Santo Padre while he stayed in LA. She was so fucking stupid and naive.

"I'm so sorry, Selena." Noah said as tears fell from his blue eyes. "I never meant for it to happen."

"Cheaters never mean for it to happen." Selena said with a short laugh as she angrily wiped the tears from her eyes.

"She's pregnant." Noah said as more tears fell from his cloudy blue eyes, and Selena couldn't tell if he was crying for what he had done to her or for himself.

"Have a nice life, Noah." Selena said with sarcasm dripping from her words. "We're over." She said with pure ice in her voice before slamming the door in his face.


A/N: SORRY this took so damn long for me to post.

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