Chapter Twenty-Four: Good News. Right?

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Chapter Twenty-Four: Good News. Right?


EVERYTHING WAS GOING SEEMINGLY WELL IN SELENA'S LIFE, better than well in fact. The brunette was currently ten weeks pregnant with EZ's child — a man who she was completely in love with, a man who showed her how she deserved to be treated and loved. Selena never realized her damaged her relationship with Noah was until she met EZ. It was like she had rose tinted glasses on their whole relationship. Sure, it was easy for her to blame watching her mother's many failed toxic relationships throughout her life , but Selena also had to blame herself for letting herself be treated in such a way, because eventually you're suppose to learn from the mistakes of your parents.

The loud rumble of a motorcycle broke Selena from her thoughts, a smile immediately crossing her face. The green eyed brunette had grown so use to sound of motorcycles that she could even tell you which was who's. The loud roar would annoy and make most of the people she use to associate with roll their eyes, but it made her feel safe.

"Lena?" EZ's voice called as he walked into the old Victorian home, his boots heavy on the old wooden floor. The Reyes man had always admired old Ms. Vega's house. It was beautiful and it always felt welcoming to him.  "Babe?" EZ questioned as he walked further into the old house.

"In here!"  He heard Selena's voice say, a goofy smile spreading across his face as he made his way up the stairs. "I thought you were gonna wait to do that?" EZ questioned while raising an eyebrow, his arms crossing over his chest as he watched his girlfriend and future mother of his child with a smirk.

There was no doubt in his mind that he was going to marry Selena.

Selena turned her head, rolling her green eyes at the smirk on EZ's face. Her hair was pulling into a messy bun on top of her head, a couple of unruly strands falling in front of her face. "I was." Selena said with a shrug, "I got bored though." She added as she turned her green eyes back to the plain white wall — minus the few swatches of colors that lined it.

The Vega woman knew she had plenty of time before she had to start setting up a nursery, but she wanted to start getting ready. She'd rather be prepared than wait last minute. Nerves might have also been getting the better of her, they planned on having dinner tonight to tell Felipe and Angel about their good news, then afterwards going to the Mayan clubhouse to tell everyone else.

Selena had grown very close to the other Mayan members. She especially felt a close bond with Angel — he felt like an older brother to her, and Bishop had become a very welcomed father like figure to her — of course she still had Roman, but he was in LA and very busy with his life.

"I like the pale yellow." EZ said as he wrapped his arms around Selena, his large hands immediately going to touch the ever so small bump. "It's suppose to make the baby happy."  He added while rubbing Selena's stomach.

Selena looked up at EZ with nothing but pure love in her eyes. She without a doubt loved this man and knew she was going to marry him one day.

"I love you."

"I love you, too." EZ smiled, placed a kiss on the top of her head.


SELENA SAT IN THE REYES SMALL DINING ROOM, EZ'S HAND ON HER THIGH AS ENGAGED IN CONVERSATION WITH FELIPE. The young couple hadn't broken the good new yet, but it was almost time to. It was getting late and they still had plans to go to the clubhouse in a little bit.

"So, what's this family dinner all about?" Angel questioned with a raised eyebrow. "Not that it isn't nice to eat some of Lena's cooking, but what's the deal?"  He asked while looking back and forth between his younger brother and the green eyed brunette he had come to see like a younger sister.

A heavy sigh left Felipe's mouth at Angel's question. The tension between the Reyes father and his oldest son was always thick enough to cut with a butter knife. Selena was surprised Angel had actually shown up when she asked him to come.

Selena looked over at EZ, who gave her a reassuring smile and nodded. EZ had been bursting at the seams to tell his dad and Angel already, but he knew Selena was a little bit nervous and was waiting.

"Well, we love you both and wanted you to be the first to know that I'm pregnant." The words fell from Selena's mouth so fast she wasn't sure that they had heard her.

"Are you telling me I'm gonna be a fucking Tio?" Angel asked as a smile broke out on his face. "There's a fucking little Reyes in there?" He asked, pointing a finger towards Selena's stomach.

"Yeah." Selena laughed.

"That's fucking awesome." He smiled as he stood up from the table and pulled the couple into a hug. "I'm fucking happy for you."

"Felipe?" Selena questioned, looking over at the older Reyes man with a nervous smile. He has been silent since she announced the news.

The Reyes man simply shook his head and walked out of the room, making the Vega woman look at the Reyes brother with hurt and confusion. 


A/N: I have not updated in FOREVER. This chapter is so bad I'm a lot rusty so forgive me for that. Thank you for all the votes/comments, and everything else while I've been gone. I really appreciate it so much!

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