Chapter Twenty-Three: Congratulations

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Chapter Twenty-Three: Congratulations


SELENA sat across from EZ with a small smile on her face, their fingers laced together as they sat at the small booth inside Santo Padre's local diner. The finally official couple had decided to enjoy breakfast out for once instead of staying in.

While Selena was excited to enjoy the beautiful Santo Padre morning and spend time with EZ, she was still feeling the effects of the stomach bug that she had caught, but she put on a smile and ignored the nauseous feeling in the pit of her stomach because no little stomach bug was going to ruin her day.

"I'm telling you they have the best pancakes in all of California here." EZ stated matter of fact, a smile taking over his face as he rubbed his thumb softly against Selena's.

The smile on Selena's face grew wider as she looked at EZ. There was something about EZ's smile that made everything feel alright in the world. His smile was so infectious and pure it made her day a little bit brighter whenever she got to see it.

"Oh really, Reyes?" Selena raised an eyebrow towards the prospect. "I didn't take you as a liar." She teased with a smirk.

"You hurt me, Lena." EZ feigned hurt, placing his free hand over his heart. "I thought we had something special and here you are calling me a liar and questioning my judgment on pancakes."

EZ looked at Selena with admiration in his eyes as a loud laugh left her mouth. Her green eyes sparkling as she threw her head back. The Reyes man hadn't felt this happy in so fucking long and for a long time he had thought he would never feel happiness again, but Selena had proven him wrong.

"I'm just saying I happen to know for a fact that the best pancakes in all of California are made in Los Angeles." Selena said with confidence.

Of course, Selena may have been a bit bias about Los Angeles' pancakes, but wasn't everyone a little bit bias about their favorite things?

"Okay that's it I'm definitely ordering pancakes because you can not keeping living in Santo Padre without trying them."

Selena began to laugh but the sudden strong smell of bacon filled the small diner causing the brunette's stomach to fill with an overwhelming feeling of nausea. The brunette quickly covered her mouth with her hand and swiftly raced toward the bathroom leaving a worried  EZ to follow after her.


EZ rubbed small soothing circles on Selena's back with one hand while trying to hold back her hair with his other. Selena had reluctantly agreed to let him in the diner  bathroom a few minutes ago, and unfortunately for her it didn't seem like her body had any plans on letting her stop throwing up anytime soon.

It worried the reyes man how quickly she had gotten sick. It didn't understand what had happened. One minute they were talking and laughing and the next she was running towards the bathroom. EZ knew that Selena was just getting over a stomach bug, but he didn't realize she still had the effects from it.

"Thank you, EZ." Selena mumbled as she wiped the sweat that had formed on her forehead with the back of her hand. "This is," The brunette began before EZ quickly cut her off.

"Selena it's fine. Don't even think of apologizing." The Mayan Prospect said firmly. "I think we should get you to the doctors though." He said, continuing to rub her back.

Selena slowly nodded her head in agreement with EZ. "That sounds like a good idea." Her voice coming out slowly as the nausea finally subsided.

EZ slowly helped Selena up off the floor, his brown eyes looking her over. She looked pale and her face was covered in sweat. The Reyes man was growing more worried for her.

"Thank you again, EZ." Selena thanked him once again with a grateful smile before quickly washing her mouth out with some water from the sink.

"You don't need to thank me, Lena. It's what any boyfriend would do." EZ said, his heart pounding in his chest as the word 'boyfriend' left his mouth.

Yes, they were official , but it was the first time he had referred to himself as Selena's boyfriend and saying the  word out loud make his heart quicken.

"Boyfriend." Selena smiled as she spoke the word, trying it out. "I like the sound of that." The Vega woman said as she leaned against EZ as they made their way out of the diner with smiles on their faces.


THE doctors office was quiet as Selena sat in the beige office with EZ sitting next to her with his hand resting on her thigh. It wasn't surprising that the doctor saw Selena quickly, she figured EZ's leather vest had something to do with that.

Selena was waiting on the results to come back from a couple of tests the doctor had decided to run. She was certain it still was just that stupid stomach bug but the doctor wasn't so sure of Selena's diagnosis.

A knock came on the door pulling Selena from her thoughts, the doctor entered the room with a smile on her face before Selena could even say 'come in'.

"Well, congratulations." The doctor said as she looked over the paper in her hands.

"Congratulations?" Selena questioned with confusion as she looked over at EZ. "Like, congratulations I was correct about having a stomach bug?"

"No." The doctor let out a laugh while shaking her head. "You're pregnant."

"Pregnant?" Selena repeated as her green eyes grew wide. "This, this," Selena stuttered unable to form any sort of coherent sentence.

"I'm guessing this is a surprise." The red haired doctor said as she looked over the young couple, getting a nod from the couple in response. "Well, you're six weeks and I'm going to give you some information you can look over. I'm also going to schedule another appointment for you in a few weeks."

"Okay." Selena spoke in a monotone.

"If you need anything don't hesitate to call." The doctor said with a smile before leaving the shocked couple alone.

"Lena," EZ spoke softly as he grabbed the brunette's hand.

A million thoughts were racing through his mind right now and he couldn't even imagine what was going through Selena's. EZ was certain that he wanted this though. He wanted this baby with Selena, he wanted to have a family with Selena. EZ knew he loved Selena and he wanted this.

"I love you. I want this. I know it's a surprise and fuck we've only just got together, but i fucking love you, and I already fucking love this baby." EZ said while placing a hand softly on Selena's stomach.

Tears formed in Selena's eyes at EZ's words. She wanted this too. Sure, it was a surprise when the doctor had told them — though in all honesty it shouldn't have been. Selena had always wanted children and while she had thought Noah would of been the father of her children she subconsciously thought maybe the reason they never had children was because life had other plans for her.

"I love you, too." Selena smiled as she leaned over, placing her lips against his.


Oh look it's me doing my cliche making my character get pregnant *shrugs* Thank you for all the votes, comments, and views! 💕

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