Chapter 7

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Cassy POV

"Baby! Why can't you come?" I heard a girly voice in the room. I open my eyes and look down. I saw well the bitch who made me hurt for days.

"Vanessa, go I'll think about it. You're going wake up Cassy" Erik whispered.

"I don't care!" She yelled. Erik shush her and walk her to the door.

"Promise me you coming?" She asks. Erik nodded and close the door. When Erik walk back to his bed but he saw me.

"Did I wake you up?" He asks. I shook my head.

"No, she did" I said and get off my bed and walk down the stairs.

"I will shower first" I said and close the door. I open the door for the shower and turn on the water to a warm.

"Weekends, what should I do?" I asks myself.

* * *

After shower, I change into yoga pants and a Bayern Munich sweater that Uncle Philipp got me 2 years ago. I walk to my study desk and open my MacBook Air and my math book. I did my homework until Julian texted me.

Whatcha doing? ;) -Julian

You sound like a 10 year old girl and I'm doing math homework ;) Wanna join? I texted back.

If it involve homework I'm not going near you! -Julian.

Jules! Come on! Erik is boring! I texted.

"Hey! I'm not being boring!" Erik yelled. I look up at my head and saw Erik reading my massages.

"It's true! If you weren't being boring, we would have fun and turn up right now!" I said. Erik narrow his eyebrows.

"What is a turn up?" He asks. I laugh and stands up.

"Here, let me show you" I turn on a pump up music and starts dancing. Erik were looking at me like if I was okay or something.

"This is turning up" I yelled through the music. Erik lean into my ear and said something.

"Okay! Ju can turn down the music now" He said. I shook my head no.

"I like it! Let's dance!" I yelled.

3rd person POV

Cassy took Erik hands and dance like they were in a club. Erik, well he didn't move from the same spot. He felt annoyed by Cassy but deep inside he wants to dance with her too.

"Hey! Ju guys turn up with me!?" Julian walks in and look at Cassy and Erik. Cassy smiles and took Julian hand and all three of them dance, well two.

"How come Julian knows the word 'turn up' and you don't?" Cassy asks Erik while she dances.

"I'm not that type of person who to use slangs like Julian does" Erik said in perfect English. Cassy nodded.

"Ju guys! I want to party too!" Matthias walks in. Soon, all three of them dances except for Erik who sat on the couch and checks his mail on his tablet.

"Well sorry guys but party's over" Cassy said and shut the music off. She sits next to Erik and took a peep at the mail.

"Hey! Who said ju can read my mail?" Erik said and cover his tablet.

"Well okay Mr. Selfish" Cassy got up and walk to her bed.

"We still going right?" Julian asks Cassy. She nodded.

"Where ju guys going?" Erik asks all of the sudden.

"Well since it's the weekend, Julian wants me to visit his parents with him" Cassy smiles as she packs her stuff.

"For how long?" Erik asks, getting jealous of the two.

"Ehh two days" Cassy shrug.

"Can't I come?" Matthias asks.

"No! The last time ju come with me, you ended up braking my mom vase and I made that for her!" Julian said. I started laughing.

"You make vases?" I laugh and so did Matthias.

"I know right" Matthias said. Julian roll his eyes.

"Yes...I do make vases" Julian said quickly. We all burst out laughing.

"Hey! It's a hobby that I love doing with my mom okay!" Julian yelled. I laugh one more time and pat his head. I went upstairs to my bed and pack my clothes just for two days.

"Are you sure you not coming?" I asks Erik before we leave. He shook his head.

"I'm fine, I'm busy anyway" He shrug and sit down on his bed.

"Okay" I sigh and walk towards the door. Before I open the door Erik quickly close it

and turn his whole body to face me. He stare into my Brown eyes and gave me a hug.

I didn't know what to do because this was so unexpected. Some how I like it and it makes me feel safe. I snap out of my thoughts and move him away from me.

"Uh, sorry...I...I slip" He said. I nodded and clear my throat.

"I'm leaving" I said and walk out of the dorm and greeted by Julian.

"Ju ready!?" He asks. I smile and nodded.

"Yup, let's go" I smile and walk outside with him and Matthias.

"What took ju so long in there?" Julian asks. What should I tell him?

"I...I was eating Nutella" I said. Julian chuckle.

"Ju know ju could just bring it with ju" He chuckle. I smile and shrug.

"Too late now" I said and we all begin talking about stuff.

That was close.

Soorrrryyyy I haven't update for so long! But it's finally here so enjoy reading my story my precious Durmies <----- I just came up with that


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