Chapter 11

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Cassie POV

"Cassie" someone called my name. I flutter my eyes open and then I saw 3 eyes staring at me. Erik, Matthias and a boy that looks around my age.

"Oh, hi" my voice crack. Dammit I'm sick.

"Halo" they all said at the same time. I laugh hoarsly and then sit up.

"Practice is over?" I ask, my voice was not sounds like a boy. They all nodded.

"We're going back, let's go" Matthias said. The boy who I didn't know help me up.

"I'm sorry for asking you this, but do I know you?" I asks. My voice is so ugly right now.

"Oh, Sven Bender. Borussia Dortmund Midfielder. Number 6. Friends of the lovely Matthias" He said. I smile and shook his hand.

"I'm your friend too!" Erik yelled. Sven chuckle and pat EriK's back.

"Sorry bro, I don't friends with mean people" Sven said. I laugh. I gave him a high five, meaning I agreed with what he had said.

"I'm...not mean" Erik said defensively. I laugh and pat his back.

"Erik you are" My voice crack and I started walking through the halls. I have no idea where to go because I barely know this place.

"Let's eat" I smile.

When I turn right at the end of the hallway, I bump into Marco. Well shirtless Marco. My hands was on his chest touching his bare skin. He smirk and look at me but my eyes were on his chest.

He got pecks. Damn

I remove my hand away and cough. Well a real cough but it sounds fake. I am so damn sick. I feel like Hell.

"Sorry" I said. He chuckle and carelessly touch my cheek.

"I like ju" He wink at me and walk away. I blushed at the word like and I just died when He winked at me.

"Says the guy who was struggling to get up" I turn around and look at Marco's back. Which was hot.

He turn around and smirk at me. Marco Reus will you stop smirking at me with those perfect little smile.

"Oh! Sorry babe, you should help me up next time and while at it help me take my clothes off in your room" He said in his perfect English accent. He winked at me and continue walking.

He left me standing at the same spot. I mean this shouldn't bother me because I talk dirty with my friends all the time but Marco...Marco was just a man I met today.

"Come on" Erik harshly grab my wrist and walk me through the building. When I look Erik face it was red hot and fill anger. The way he grabs my wrist was just like a handcuff that tightening every time it moves.

"Erik, your hurting me" My voice crack. Erik didn't listen but he just keeps walking while pulling me.

"Erik!" I tried to yell but my voice wouldn't go that high. Erik still wouldn't listen. Sven went in the middle of us and pull Erik hand away from mine.

"Erik! Sie sagte loslassen!" Sven yelled in German. I got scared if they we going to start a fight. Matthias pull my behind him, protecting me before they both swings at each other. I look at Erik and Sven above Matthias shoulder.

"Ju hurting her! I dunno what's ju have in ju head but ju need to hear people talk" Sven said.

"I have enough listen to Marco!" Erik yelled.

"Ju just jealous because ju like Cassie" Sven smile. Erik turn around and then he punch Sven face. Sven fell on the floor.

That is it!

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