Chapter 21

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Cassie POV

"We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship zooming through the sky, little Einstein. Climb aboard get re-" I stop singing because the boys didn't know what I was singing.

"You guys don't know Little Einstein?" I asked. They all shook their heads.

"Well just listen to me and then join if you get the song" I smile ear to ear. They all nodded.

"We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket shit zooming through the sky, little Einstein. Climb abort get ready to explore there's so much to find, little Einstein's..." I sing the whole song and some other songs for the whole car ride.

* * *

"Hmm, thank God you guys don't think I'm annoying. Usually my family would say something rude if I sing in the car" I got out of the car and took my bag.

We are finally arrive at the beach and it looks so beautiful here. Less people, clean, weather is amazing, and well I'm with 5 hot boys. Well soccer players. But I only got one eye for my one and only babe...

"Haha, ju are annoying" Erik chuckle while getting the stuff from the trunk.

I quickly speed walk to the trunk and stare at Erik. He stop laughing when he turn to face me.

'Bitch you better motherfucking fun your little German legs or this chica will pull your juevos out of its sack'. I said to myself as I deathly glared at Erik. He read my mind and ran towards the beach.

"YOU ASSHOLE! I WOULD SHIT ON YOU!" I couldn't help it but let my bad habit, cursing, out.

"Fucker! You whore!" I yelled as I ran after him. Since he's a soccer player and he can run faster than me but I'm also a soccer player so I can ran a little faster. I had to hold on my hat so it won't fall. (The outfit she's wearing is on the last chapter)

"Haha ju can catch me!" Erik drop the whole stuff on the ground which I had to jump over it.

"Ju is slow! Come on babe!" He called me babe.

'Wait...did he just called me slow!? Oh helllll no!' I ran more faster even though I'm tired.

We continue running after each other, both of us is tired but I didn't care. Once I blink my eyes I saw Erik trip over something and fell. I smirk and ran up to him before he could get back up.

I jump on top of his perfect tan abs and giggle. I look at Erik's beautiful blue eyes and his gorgeous smile.

"Ju caught me" he said softly. I smile and nodded.

"I did didn't I?" I smirk and lean towards him. He raise his eyebrow and puts his hand on my face, moving piece of hair away from my face.

"Ju look sexy when ju run. Ju turn me" He said. I giggle when he used the words 'turn me on.'

"Julian thought you?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Marco" He said. I nodded and look away and laugh. Erik move my chin towards his face.

"There may be a lot of pretty girls here...but my eyes and heart will always fall for you" He said and kiss me passionately.

"YOO! LOVE BIRDS! KISS LATER! WHERE'S MY HUG AND KISSES!?" Marco yelled from afar. I pulled away from the kiss and giggle.

"Later" I wink at Erik. He blush and look away. I kiss Erik's cheek and put my hat on his head and left.

"Hey Marc" I hug Marco and kiss his cheek. He smile and kiss my cheek back.

"Hey," He said casually "are ju an idiot? You got sand all over me!"

He dust away the sand of his sleeveless shirt which shows his tattoos and biceps. He look at my body and remove the sand off me too.

"You better watch that hands!" I warned Marco. He chuckle and move away from me.

"Shall we go for a swim?" I asked. They all nodded.

"You boys go strip first then I'll join" I smirk. The boys look st me weirdly but just went with it. Julian saw me smirking so he chuckle quietly enough for me to hear. He wink at me telling me that he knows what I'm up to.

The boys took off their shirts and through it on the sand. I watch their every moves. I watch every muscles on them. But Julian's body that really caught my attention.

"Adíos mío" I said in Spanish as I gawd at Julian's abs and back muscles. They all look at me.

"I said I bit my tongue in Latin" I lied. They all nodded.

"Whoever the last one to get to the water is a poopie pant!" Matthias said as they ran into the water. Julian was still beside me. He puts his shirt on the towel and lean on my ear.

"I know ju said 'oh my god' in Spanish" He said which sounds so sexy. He left me by myself and walk to the water.

"How the hell?" I got lost. I shook it all off and took off my short and out it on the sand. I put on my tanning oil on my body and stayed there for 10 minutes.

After I let the tanning oil dry a little I took off my hair tie and flip my hair. My hair is naturally curly so it looks beautiful when the Sun hits it.

I walk down the beach, squinting my eyes because the Sun it literally blinding me.

Once I got my eyes adjusted, I realize the boys was totally checking me out. They had their mouth hung open and gawking at me. I decided to make them well...feel weird.

I bend down to "even out my tanning oil" and then got back up. I also did the same thing around neck and my boobs area. The boys still had their eyes glued on me which makes them looks totally funny.

"OI! YOU ASSHOLES! KEEP YOUR EYES TO YOURSELVES!" I yelled which make them snap out of their dreams.

This chapter is a bit long so I hope you enjoy it. Next chapter Will be a 3rd person point of view so you get to know what thoughts did the boys have when they saw Cassie.

I gotta say this chapter is funny and totally my favorite but comment which chapter do you like. Make sure to vote! I love you guys


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