Chapter 9

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Cassie POV

After what happened this morning, Erik and I had a little awkward moments. Julian, well He doesn't care.

It was our last day until we have to back to the school. Right now, Julian, Matthias, Erik and I were going shopping. I'm not a big shopper so I only bought a pair of new shoes and 2 sweaters. Well the boys they bought the whole store! Especially Erik! He have like 50 bags on each hands.

"Erik, you want me to carry some of those stuff?" I asks. Erik look at his hands which was full of bags and shook His head no.

"Are you sure because I can help you with it" I shrug. He shook his head.

"Me and Matthias needs to use the Lou, we'll be back" Julian said. I nodded and they both left. I stand awkwardly with Erik, who was staring at me.

"Look at the Sky" I tried to break the awkward silence between us.

"Come on" He push me to the store near us.

"What you doing?" I asks and stop walking.

"Shopping" He smirk.

"Erik! You shop enough! Look at those bags in you hands" I pointed.

"I'm talking about ju!" He said with his German accent.

"What?" I said. I was so confuse.

"Let's go shopping for ju!" Erik yelled over frustration. I was going to say something back but Erik pushed me inside a fancy store.

"Find clothes ju like" He demand.

"Erik, I already have clothes" I hold up my bag of clothes.

"One bag is nothing so ju buy more" He said.

"I don't ha-" he cut me off.

"Go!" He yelled. I got scared so I went to look through clothes. There's one sweater that has cute pearls on it. I check the price which was more than I was expected.

$57.67 (I don't know the price in Germany)

"Uh Erik maybe we should go somewhere less expensive" I started walking out but Erik somehow manage to grab my arm and swing to his whole face. Like literally his face is like inches away.

"Buy something or I will kick ju out of the dorm" Erik said sternly.

Well, Mr. Durm when it comes to shopping you are very demanding.

"Okay" I said and walk through the whole store and look at clothes.

I am trying out dresses that would actually fit me and suit me but I couldn't find one. Erik helped me pick through dresses. Julian and Matthias came back from the bathroom and helped me too.

"That these and try them on. We need to see ju" Erik said. I groan and went into the fitting room. I tried on this yellow dress that makes me look like mustard.

"I look like a mustard" I said before showing them.

"How are we going to know what ju look like since we can't see ju!" Julian shouts. I roll my eyes and open the door. I showed them the dress ans Julian burst out into laughing.

"See!" I said and went back to change. I tried on the next dress.

After trying on like ten different dresses, I finally found one. It was white that goes with my tan skin. This dress beings out my curves, which I hate. People only loves me because of my body not my personality.

"This is the one" I said.

"Let us see" Matthias said. I open the door and showed them. I spin around so they can actually take a look of the dress.

"So?" I said. All of them stare at me with their creepy eyes staring.

"You guys hate it? I will take them off" I said.

"No!" They yelled.

"It-It actually look good" Julian said.

"Really good" Matthias said. I blush and quickly went inside the changing room.

They liked it. I shook my head and shake it off. I change into my normal clothes and take the dress out.

"So this one?" I asks. They all nodded.

"Can we go now? Erik?" I look at him. He chuckle and nodded. He walk up to me and took the others that was in my hand.

I followed him to the cashier and watch his every step. He took out his card from his wallet and swipe it. He smirk and put back his card.

"If ju keep looking at me it means ju raping me in ju mind" He said.

"How did you know the word 'rape'?" I asks. He laughs.

"I may be German but I know English too" He said and handed me my bag of new clothes.

"Thank you" I said. He nodded. He turn around and started walking.

"Seriously, thank you" I hug his back. He stop dead on his track.

"Its alright, it's just clothes" He said and remove me from his body.

No, you don't understand...

Hey guys!!! How was your day!? Mine was fab. Bayern won against Paderborn 6-0. I was so happy and my other team which was Barcelona lost 1-0. It was a bad day for them. But here's chapter 9! It's not really going to cheer you up but it will make you feel the love of a friendship.

This was suppose to update 3 days ago but whoops sorry.


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