Chapter 24

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Cassie POV

"Yeesssss!" I yelled as I watch Carli Lloyd made the first goal for US.

"Shut up Cassie" Marco said and put down his beer.

Me, Marco, Julian and Matthias were watching the Women's World cup final game, Erik had classes today but me and Julian thought we could just ditch it since it's the final. We're Rebels.

"You! Just cuz Germany lost the game against whoever team they went against doesn't mean you could start hating on my team, you bitch!" I yelled and roll my eyes. Marco snap his head at me and glare.

"What!? Come on boys let beat her" Marco said and the boys pick up pillows and hit me with it.

Everyone kept hitting but I tried so hard to shield myself with my elbow but I still keep getting hit on the face.

"Having fun?" I yell under all the grunting noise and laughing noise.

"Hell we are!" I heard Julian said and laugh. I stop shielding myself and push all the boys away from me and they all fell on the floor.

I pick up Julian who was on the floor and throw him on the couch. I pick up a pillow and smirk evily.

"You having fun huh?" I said and slowly walking to him. He smile nervously and look at the boys. I snap my neck at Marco and Matthias they quickly put their hands up in surrender.

"Well Cassie is about to have real fun more than you" I said.

I quickly hit Julian in the face before he could block himself. I sat on his laps with my legs on each side of his legs.

"Are you having fun now!?" I yelled.

"No!" He yelled underneath the pillow. I smile mischievously and hit him more.

"Say stop when you're don't having fun!" I said.

"Get it Jules" Marco said in the back. Julian stick a finger up and tap my shoulder.

"Stop!" He said. I smile.

"Not like that I'm not" I said. Julian groan.

"Cas, please stop...por favor" He said in Spanish. I was surprise but before I could move the pillow Julian quickly push me down on the couch. So now he's straddling me. I got surprise when his face were like inches away from mine.

"Gracias mi amor" he winked and get off of me. I snap out of my thoughts and clear my throat. I get up and straight my clothes.

"Mi- mi-m- what? What did he said Cassie!??" Marco asks.

"I don't know" I lied. I look at Julian who was looking at me this whole time. He smirk and then gave me a wink which made my heart drop but at the same time I look away.

* * *

After the game finish with USA 5-2 Japan, I kept yelling and dancing in front of the boys who was annoyed by me but for julian he actually think it was funny.

"Okay I'm done, I be back" I said and went to my bed to check on my phone.

"Cas...let's go on a date" Julian said in front of me. I didn't know he was following me. I look at Julian full of confusion.

"What?" I said and laugh nervously.

"Ju know a date not like relationship friendship one. We could celebrate how USA win" He said. I nodded when he said friendship date not relationship kind.

"Kk" I said and get up "let's go boo."

We both walk down the stairs and walk to the door. Marco and Matthias turn around and look at us.

"We gonna eat, after you guys done watching tv clean all this cosa up okay? Gracias mijos" I gave them air kisses which Marco pretend to catch them all.

"Get it Jules!" Marconed once I close the door. Julian laugh and walk with me to his car.

"Where are we eating?" I asks stop by his car.

"Somewhere" Julian smirk. I roll my eyes and wait for him to unlock the car. He gave me a weird look.

"We walk not drive" he said.

"Oh, sorry" I laugh and so did Julian.

We both walk down the dark street which doesn't have a light until further up.

"Jules I'm scared" I wrap my arm ariund his arm. A second later he pull me closer to him, I feel like I'm safe. Julian stop in the middle of the road, I got scared quickly.

"Jules! Why we stopped" I yelled quietly. Julian didn't answer.

"Jule-" I tried to say his name but a soft warm lips pressed against mine. I couldn't do anything because I was frozen still.

Heyy durmies!! USA WON!!! WOOHOOO. I'm Asian but I'm not Japanese so I root for US cuz I've been here for so long. Plus my country didn't even make it to the World Cup, hell I didn't even know if they have a national team lol. But I got happy. There was fireworks when the women won. I was well crying but I was trying to hold it in since I'm was next to my dad. Carli Lloyl surprise me so much. She made a hat trick in under 20 minutes. I was happy and last night on the fourth of don't even wanna know what happened.

Give this chapter a vote and comment anything funny, story about your day yesterday and today final...I love you all <3


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