Chapter 10

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Cassie POV

"So, ju come with us?" Matthias asks. I nodded.

"Ja!" he pat my back.

Erik asks me if I wanted to go to his soccer practice so I said yes. I had nothing to do anyway, so why not just keep myself occupied. Beside what could go wrong? There's no hot guys there anyway.

* * *

Never mind, I change my mind. There's a lot of cute guys here! Holy fack. There's one guy that has blonde Buzz cut and has a yellow sweater that says 'Borusse'.

There's another one that look similar like Erik. Blond hair, swoop to the side with tattooes on his left arm. He has a black sweater and the hoodie on his head. He's cute I gotta say. But I don't know him.

Erik and Matthias walk up to the group of unknown men, well to me their an unknown people. They look like this cool hot squad from High School.

Erik who had his both hands inside the sweatpants pockets. It's chilly out here, all I had was blue jeans and a thin sweater. Wrong day to wear jeans. I gotta say I'm kind of cold.

"Ju friends of Matthias or Erik?" The Erik hair look a like asks.

"Umm, both" I smile and shake.

"Oh, Erik since when ju have a friend who it is actually a girl. It's our first time seeing Erik bringing a friend to our game, well girlfriend" The guys laughs. I chuckle and look at Erik who roll his eyes.

"Stop it Marco! She's a friend" Erik called out the man name. Marco. Unique name. Love it.

"No, she's Julian's girl" Matthias laughs. They boys laugh and walk off the field. I saw Erik's face turn into a frown.

"Is ju cold?" Erik asks, smiling. I shook my head and took a step back. It's probably obvious that I'm cold because I had my hands on my arms and rubbing it.

"Here, ju take this. I can get ju blanket" Erik handed me his sweater. I put it on, feeling a bit warmer. The sweater was a bit bigger on me and it smells like Erik.

Erik came back with a blue blanket. He walk in front of me. He leans in to wrap the blanket around my body. He handed me the blanket and I took it. His cold fingers brushes off my fingers. He smiles, showing his dimple.

"Aren't you going to be cold too?" I asks. He shook his head.

"I run all day, I don't get cold" he said. I giggle at his accent.

"Erik! Stop flirting! Get ready!" Marco yelled. Erik and I look at Marco direction and then Erik wave at him, saying He was coming. We both look at each other. I laugh and push his shoulder.

"Go" I laugh. He chuckle and nodded. He ran off. I laugh and went to sit on the chair.

Why did Marco thinks we're dating?

Did Erik told him that? No no no, he told him that we're not dating.

What if we actually is dating? I shook my head why would he date me?

He's probably dating Vanessa. I don't care about their relationship but Erik could do better.

Does Vanessa act like a bitch to Erik?

"Stop it Cassie! You don't like him!he doesn't like you!" I said.

But his cute little smile. My subconscious said. I shook my head and hitting it to get the picture off my mind.

10 minutes later, The boys came out fully dress for training. They ran around the field for 30 minutes. They were pretty funny. I learn some of the teams name, when they call each other name.

Marco was being trip by Aubameyang, so he fell backwards. He was struggling to get up while everybody left running.

"Is everybody like this coach?" I asks the boys coach.

"Haha, yes" He said and then turn to look at me. He had a weird expression. Is it my face? Is it noticeable that I'm getting sick?

"Are ju cold?" He asks. I shook my head and smile. Oh course I'm cold!

"Who's girlfriend of the boys are ju?" He asks.

"Marco? Matthias? Sven? Erik?" He asks me with all these names.

"No, no, I'm just a friend of Erik and Matthias" my voice creak. I started sneezing. The coach laugh.

"Alright my child, there's a fire place in there, just walk in and turn left, there's snacks and games if you want to play. As long as ju don't get a cold" He pat my back.

"No, I'm fine" My voice changes. I tried to not cough but it came out. The coach laugh and so I nodded.

"I'm going inside I said and went inside. Once I was inside, the building was so nice and warm. I smile and walk straight up and then turn right. Wait no left.

I look at the players pictures on the walls. They all look mature and good looking but in reality they just a fun loving happy childish family.

"Woah, Erik" I saw his picture. I touch the picture. The smile on his face was like the way he looks at me.

I walk to the fire place and warm my hands. I take a look around the room, which was pretty chill.

A big flat screen tv with a long black sofa. X-box underneath the tv. A 360 kitchen, which have different foods. I saw a box of lucky charms on the counter.

"Who?" I stop before I could finish my sentence. This boys are something.

I pick up one bottle of water and started drinking it. I look around and saw a bookcase that was full of book.

"Whoa" I said. I walk up to it and look at the different varieties of books. Some are German, some are France, some are Brazilian, well you get the jiz.

I pick up a book that says 'What Is When It Happens' by Susanne Colasanti. It looks pretty good so I pick It up.

Who in the team likes reading Romantic books?

"Oh boys" I chuckle to myself and sit on the warm couch by the fire. I put the blanket over me and started reading the book.

Third Person POV

When the boys finished with their training session for the day, they all went inside. Erik realize Cassie wasn't at the bench anymore. He begin to worried.

"Erik! Ju friend, she's inside. She shouldn't be out here in this type of weather son, ju should watch out of her health. She is sick now" Coach said.

Erik suddenly feel sad. It's his fault now that Cassie is sick. He shouldn't bring here. He nodded at the coach and ran inside.

He look around the building and found Sven in front of Cassie. She was sleeping on the couch with book on the side of her. Sven slowly puts the blanket on her should.

Erik slowly walk beside Sven, trying not to wake Cassie up with his cleats making sounds.

"Is she ju girlfriend?" Sven asks, while looking at Cassie.

"No, she just friend" Erik said. Though he wish she was his.

"Oh, she very pretty" Sven smile. Erik chuckle and hit his shoulder.

"Okay Bender, let's change" Erik grab Sven by his colar and drag him in the changing room.

I really enjoy making this chapter because well I love the boys. But I seriously need to find my Batman while I'm his robin.

Well I hope you enjoy this chapter and I love you all <3


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