Last chapter 34

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A/N: this chapter will be short

*Two months later*

Cassie POV

It's been two months after leaving the boys. I missed them. I missed Germany. I'm planning to see them next month.

I was helping my little brother with his school project. Alex left to get something from the store and hasn't come back since 11. It's 1 already.

If he's fucking with his new girlfriend I'm going to stab him. I told him to get glue gun stick and he still hasn't come back.


"Honey, will you check the mail please" Mom said. I sigh.

"Be right back" I told my brother.

I walk outside to check our mail box. Luckily, there's mail. I check through and found nothing for me only my mom.

"You idiots don't miss me then. No mails, no phone calls. Selfish bastards" I hiss. I rolled my eyes and start walking back to the house.

"Turn around then" That voice. That voice was so familiar. I turn around and scream. I drop the whole mail on the ground and ran to the group of men.

Erik. Julian. Matthias. Mario. Marco. Sven and Phillip was there.

"Alex you did this!?" I saw him.

"Mom and uncle Phillip did" He smirk. I hug Phillip first because I really do miss him.

"Don't complain. Ju didn't even say goodbye to us, only Matthias huh" Marco said. I laugh.

"I'm sorry" I said. After I hug all of them I look Julian.

"Come on guys, let me introduce you to my mom" Alex said as all of them went inside but Julian.

"I graduated" Julian said, he scratch the back of his head. It was a habit of his,when he's nervous.

"That's good" I smile. We both look at each other.

"I love you Cassie. I love you so much" Julian blurted out. I was shocked because I've waited for this long to hear him say that.

I kiss him. Yes, I kissed him. That's all I did. I wanted to hear him say those words after so long because I really do love him.

"I love you too" I said. Inside the house everybody went crazy. Whooping and going wild. We both smile and kiss each other more.

*Happy ending*

Julian and Cassie got married three years later. Julian proposed to Cassie when she was pregnant with their first child two years after they went out. They name their first kid Enzo because Cassie was obsessed with The Vampire Diaries. Her second child was a boy they named him Francisco and her third child was a girl they named her Europa after the moon.

They have a great family with great godparents.

Their oldest son Enzo became a soccer player and he is playing for Barcelona. Their second son Francisco became a Baseball player and their youngest child Europa became a famous model for Burberry.

The family of five is the most stunning family. Her youngest daughter married first and had twins. Enzo followed behind her and had one daughter. Francisco married last and have two sons. The family was happier than ever.

Thank you guys for reading this story. I love you guys so much. I will make another soccer fan fic don't worry.

Thank you very much for reading my Fanfic guys. I love you all <3


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