Chapter 19

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Cassie POV

"Ugh, Mondays" I said and get out of bed. I wipe my sleepy eyes with my hands and yawned. I smiled to myself and look down on the first floor.

I watched Erik sleep, wishing I was next to him. He shift his body to his left side and sigh out. He looks like an angel. I day dreaming about him for about 5 minutes.

Someone snap their fingers in front of my face, which made me quickly snap out of my thoughts and in front of my face was non other than Erik Durm. I gasp and quickly move my face away from his face. I trip over my bed and fell on my back. I think it hit something hard.

"ahh!" I groan while laying on the ground. Erik ran up the steps and saw me groaning to myself. He sat on the carpet and pick me up and put me on his lap.

"This is what ju get for staring at me" He chuckle and rub my back. I stare at him and roll my eyes.

"I wasn't staring at you" I lied. Erik chuckle and help me rubbing my sore back.

"You had the chance to caught me you know" I said angrily and look away from him.

Erik smile and move my chin with his three fingers to face his blue eyes. I tried to look away again but he hold my chin tightly. He leans in to give me a peak on my lips. He pulls away and smile at me. I give him a quick smile. He smile and leans in one more time to give me a long passionate kiss.

* * *

"Erik let's go eat" I said as Erik was next to me, taking my hand and entwined our fingers together. He smile and nodded.

"Let's go" He said, smiling. On our way to his car, we stumble upon Vanessa. Her face, well wasn't happy.

"Was ist hier los?" She asked Erik in German. (What's going on here)

"Oh I taking Cassie to eat" Erik smile proudly. I smile once I look at his face.
Vanessa look at us with a smile through her greeted teeth. She breathe out loudy and fake a smile. She saw our hands were entwined. Her fist clenched when she looked at me.

"Ju okay Vanessa?" Erik asked. I stop smile and remove my hand away from his. Vanessa smile and look st Erik.

"Ja" She smile and look at me like she was about to kill me.

"Papa Durm called me. He ask me to pick ju up. He want to see ju Erik " Vanessa. All of the sudden, my stomach begin to churn.

"I don't want to see him, let's go Cas" Erik open the door for me.

"Cassie, ju happy that ju boyfriend left ju?" Vanessa suddenly said. I stopped myself from going in the car.

"He's with another girl that more prettier than ju" Vanessa said more. I feel tears forming in my eyes.

"Vanessa stop" Erik demand.

"No, Erik, don't ju want to know the truth, why did Cassie come here?" She asked Erik. Erik paused for a moment and look at me. I didn't bother to look at him, I'm so embarrassed.

"I came here because I got a scholarship here" I said. Vanessa broke into a laugh.

"Or is it ju want to leave because ju boyfriends left you?" Vanessa asked, walking up to me.

"Answer!" She shook my body.

"Vanessa enough!" Another voice said. I look up and saw Julian. He push Vanessa away from me and grab my hand. He push me to his body and wrap one arm around me.

"She didn't leave America because her boyfriend left her, he left her!" Julian said. I cried on Julian, after hearing this, the memory I tried to forget about the moment I had with him. Julian took me to his dorm room and put me on the couch. I cried harder on his shoulder.

"Erik shouldn't just leave ju like that!" Julian got mad. I stop crying and look at him. His facewasfull of anger, he shouldn't be like this.

"Don't worry, he probably just want to know the truth. Thanks for having my back, I know your busy so I'm going to leave you" I stood up but Julian pull me down on the couch.

"No, I wasn't busy, I was looking for ju" He said.

"Why?" I asked. There's a knock on the door.

"Pizza!" A man called outside. He smirk at me, which made me blush. He stand up and get the pizza. A minute later he came back with two boxes of pizza.

"Let's watch movie and eat pizza" Julian said. I nodded.

"Where's Matthias?" I asked.

"He stayed at his friends dorm tonight" I nodded. Julian turned off the light and put two fake candles on the coffe table in front of us so it won't be too dark.

"What movie we're watching?" I asked.

"Titanic" He said casually. I didn't know a boy like Julian like watching chick flick.

"Come on! I like watching it" He said. I chuckle and lean my head on his shoulder. The movie begins and we started eating our food.

I SHIP IT! Lol so 3 weeks later huh...sorry durmies :'( I had finals last weeks but since I graduated now I don't have school...I can finally update more chapters!!! Cuz my summer is gonna be nothing but boring. Except on my birthday which is next month ;-) So yah!

Hope you enjoy this chapter and I will update other chapter soon! Love you guys lots <3333


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