Chapter 20

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Third Person POV

Cassie fell asleep on Julian's bed after the movie last night. They might have drink some beer last night. Cassie got drunk, Julian didn't drink as much as Cassie so he look after her.

Julian was asleep next to Cassie on the same bed, some how they fit on that bed. Cassie snore very loudly as her hand swung across Julian face, slapping him along the way. Julian quickly woke woke up.

"Ouch!" He shriek and rub his red cheek. Cassie choke on her snore and slowly waking up. She wipe her eyes and blink couple of time. She realize that Julian was sleeping next to her. She scream very loud.

"Shh!" Julian cover Cassie mouth. Cassie remove his hand away.

"D-did we-" Julian shook his head before Cassie could finish.

She notice Julian didn't wear any clothes so she quickly cover her eyes with the bedsheet. Julian realize why Cassie cover her face. He quickly jump out of bed and throw on a boxer.

"Sorry, I don't usually wear clothes to sleep when it's summer" Julian blush. Cassie laugh and remove the cover off her face.

"Jules," Cassie said and move her face close to Julian. Julian look Cassie in the eyes.

"Let's go to the beach" She finish. Julian smile and nodded.

"We should invite Sven and his brother, Marco, Matthias and Erik" Cassie said happily. Julian frown when Cassie mention Erik's name.

"Ju really want to invite Erik after last night?" Julian asked. Cassie sigh.

"Jules, I know I haven't been honest to Erik and what happened last maybe he wanted to know what happened to my past" Cassie explained. Julian thought about it and then he smile.

"Okay, ju go get ready and call Marco and Erik. I call the rest" Julian said. Cassie nodded and walk down the bed.

" what happened to my clothes?" Cassie asks when she notice she only wear a big black shirt that was on Julian last night.

"Well ju got drunk most last night so ju tried taking ju shirt off so I put my shirt on ju so ju would stop" He said. Cassie nodded and laugh nervously.

"I'm going to change, I'll be back" Cassie said.

* * *

"Erik, you ready?" Cassie knock on the bathroom door.

"Ja" he said and come out. Cassie started checking out Erik. He was wearing tight white t-shit that shows his abs and biceps with a short khakis just short enough to show his perfect tan calves muscles.

"Well Mr. Durm, you look fine" Cassien wink and head for the door.

"Ju look cute" Erik said as he stare at Cassie chest. She smirk and lean toward Erik's face. So now their inches apart. (Outfit on the top/side)

"I can flirt better than you Mr. Durm" Cassie smirk and turn around. She started walking but Erik grab her waist and pull her against his chest.

"Can ju really?" Erik whispered sexually on Cassie ear. Cassie took a minute to answer.

"Yes" she sexually whispered in Erik ear, she also left a kiss on his cheek and leave the dorm.

"Woaah Cassie...ju look bootyful" Matthias said. Cassie blush and look at the two both of the boys.

"Julian you look cute" Cassie said as she look at his outfit.

Navy sleeveless shirt, Palm trees swimming trunks with snapback. He also had a backpack on which makers him look like a high school student.

"And you Matthias you look cute also " Cassie said.

Matthias was wearing red sleeveless shirt with khakis and a backpack. Him and Erik was wearing the same pants.

"Hey! Why ju copying me!?" Erik close the dorm door and walk up to Cassie.

"Why is ju copy me!?" Matthias said. Cassie and Julian rolled their eyes and walk to the entrence where they met Sven.

"Alright! You whore! Let's stop fighting. You guys can fight later" Cassie yelled at Erik and Matthias. They both stood by Sven car quietly.

"Hey Cassie, you look cute" Sven hug Cassie. Cassie smile and five him a compliment.

"Marco said he's gonna meet us there so let's get moving" Julian said in perfect English. All of them get inside Sven Land Rover which fit all of them in.

"What does 'Whore' means?" Matthias asked.

Ohhh Matthias lol he sounded like a lost little kid. Lol. Sorry for. A late update again. I forgot I had to update this chapter. I got caught up with the Women's World Cup and I also had to take care of my brother >_< but it's all good. Hope you guys like this chapter


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