Chapter 29

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Cassie POV

"Erik! Drive faster! We want to go in the lake already!" I groan.

Erik look at me through the rear view mirror. I could tell he's doing this on purpose.

We were on our way to the lake and it's taking forever since Erik is driving. The way he drives is the way how grandmas drive...which is so slow.

He's literally driving 25 m/h!

* * *

"Can you try and flip me over Jules?" I asks Jules. He look at me and nodded.

"I will try" He shrug.

I put my foot on his large palms under water. I hold his shoulder for support.
"One, two, three!" He throw up in the air, I felt my foot hit something but I didn't what was it.

I was up in the air for about 3 seconds until I hit the cold water. I went up to the surface to see Julian holding his nose.

"What happened?" I asks. I notice it was bleeding.

"Ju kicked him" Sven said. I gasp and went closer to Jules.

"I'm sorry" I said and touch his nose.

"It's okay, it was an accident" He said.

Shit. I feel bad now.

"Let's get you clean up" I said and start walking out of the water.

"Oh, when Erik and Alex come back from fishing, can you let him know that me and Jules are in the bathroom" I told Sven. He nodded and swim away.

"Where the hell  is Marco and Mario!?" I heard Sven hiss in the back.

When I got out of the water, I walk to The lifeguard. He was good looking. Tan body, blonde hair, he's cute when he smiles and he's probably 18 so he's too young for me.

"Hey, do you guys have Band-Aids?" I asks. He nodded and got up to get the aid kit.

He opens it and gave me a small Band-Aids and a big ones.

"You want a antibacterial wipes?" He asks.

"Yes please" I smile. I look at Jules who was still covering his nose with his hand. He look at me and gave me a brave smile. I smile back. 

"Here" The lifeguard gave me the wipe. I took it from his hand. 

"Thank you" I said and walk away with Jules. 

We walk to the family bathroom instead of separated bathrooms.  I lock the door behind me and walk over to the sink. I took paper towels and poured water on it.

"Here" I remove Julian hand and look at the bloody nose. I carefully dabbed the wet paper towel on his nose, he flinch a bit and hold my wrist. I look at his beautiful blue eyes.

"If you keep holding me, the more time it's gong to take" I laugh. He laugh with me and let go of my hand. I took  the wipe out of its package and unfold it.  I slowly wipe the blood on his nose. Turns out there's a small cut across his nose bridge. 

"Babe, you've got a cut on your nose bridge" I said. Julian turn around to check on it.

"Sorry I didn't mean to cut your pretty face" I said touching his soft cheek.

"Ahh, it's just a cut, ju needed help so I helped ju" He smile brightly. I roll my eyes and open up  the small Band-Aid. I put it on his nose and gave it a small tap. 

"There my little prince" I laugh. He smile and help me clean up. 

"Thanks mom" He laugh. I smile and stroke his cheek. 

We stare at each other for what it seems a long time. Then, we both lean in to kiss each other. I didn't know what was I doing nor thinking straight. I snap out of my thoughts before our lips crash. I gave him a kiss on the cheek instead of his lips. 

SOOOOOO How ya doing!?!?!?! I am so so so billion times sorry I had you guys waiting for me to update this story. I was so busy with school and soccer practice. I will make it up to you guys. I hope I can update more this month. Don't worry it will happen because soccer season will finish by the end of this month so yeahhh....


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