Chapter 22

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3rd Person POV

While Cassie walk down the beach with her rocking athlete body, Matthias had notice how sexy she looks so he nudge Erik's elbow which made him turn to face Cassie. Then the 5 boys stop what they're doing and check Cassie out.

'Wow! That ass is too big and round! I would fuck her sunrise to sundown! God Damn! DAMNNN look at how she bends! I hope she bends like that to me when she breaks up with Erik. Oh shitt! Even my snake is loving the view...!' Says Marco as he said it in his mind.

'Oh my God! I never thought she had the body! Damn! She's hot!' Says Matthias.

'Oh lawd! My gracious lawd! My babe is too fucking hot! Look at that sexy abs! She's smoking hot! My woman is the most beautiful thing ever!' Erik said as his jaw hanging down.

'Damn Cassie, you should be my cleaning lady so you could clean my elephant trunk! God Damn!' Sven said.

A/N: The boys was speaking in German when he thought about Cassie but I translated it.

"Cassie! If ju trying to make us grow a boner..." Julian looks at the 4 boys who had they mouth hanging and had their elephant Trunks sticking up "...well it's working."

Cassie blush but couldn't handle the laugh so she just let it out. Julian smile and laugh with her.

"Did it work with you?" Cassie ask getting in the water but stop at shin high.

"Nope...but I still think ju bootyful" Julian said straight up. Cassie smile at Julian and he did the same too.

"Hey! Wake up from ju sexual dreams!" Julian said trying to break the silence between him and Cassie.

"Hehehe" they giggle nervously while covering their boner.

"Boys, Someone not getting wet? I'm afraid we wet her" Julian said mischievously and glance at Cassie.

"We give ju 5 seconds to have head start" Julian said. Cassie stare at Julian and then run off. Julian counted until 3 and Chase after Cassie, meanwhile, the boys counted till 5.

Julian watch Cassie's butt bounce and hear her cute scream and laugh. Julian ran past Cassie, grabbing her by the waist and through her over his shoulder. He hold her tight enough so he she won't slip out of his grip.

The boys was behind Julian, trying to get Cassie before Julian. But Julian got to Cassie first so they just let him get Cassie wet.

"Jules!" She scream and giggle. She keeps hitting his back but all Julian did was smiling.

Julian laugh mischievously and walk into the water. Cassie keeps screaming and kicking trying not to get wet but it was too late, he drop Cassie in the deep part of the beach, which Cassie couldn't swim.

"Jul-" Cassie went down in to the water. She came back up but she got drown again.

Julian thought she was playing but his thought wrong so He pulled her out of the water and lay her against his chest. She wrap her legs around Julian's torso, she also wrap her arms around his neck. She shivers from the wind that was hitting us.

"I'm sorry, I thought ju can swim" he said in Cassie's ear. She shook her head no.

"I may be an athlete but swimming is my least favorite sports, sorry Michael Phelps" Cassie laugh through her greeted teeth.

"Cassie ju okay? Ju hurt!?" Erik asked as Julian walk to the sand.

"Yes I'm good" Cassie smile and laugh. Julian couldn't help it but smile at how such an idiot Cassie is. He give Erik Cassie's body so He could take care of his "girlfriend."

Julian thinks Cassie is not dating Erik, he never heard Erik nor Cassie talked about who asked out who. Even if they're dating, Julian still love his 'love at first sight.'

As Erik walk away with Cassie on him, his guts telling him that regret letting her go but she belongs with him.

Cassie took a glance at Julian, who was smile at the ground and turn back around and swin in the water with Sven and Marco.

Truthfully, Cassie really wants to know how is her heart is taken from Erik but at the same time its also falling for Julian.

Heyyyyy my durmies!!!!! Ju like dis? Ju don't? Welll vote cuz if u read up to this far it means ju like me story so far ^~^ see I'm smarter than yo ass! Lol but I hope you guys like this chapter and yes next chapter Will be update soon :) I love you...comment and vote cuz you love me and I love you

P.S make sure to Vote on every single chapter on any of my stories I made cuz birthday is in 20 days. That will be my birthday presents from my durmies


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