Chapter 27

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Cassie POV

"What happens if Snakes comes and bite me?" Marco asks as he take out the food and snacks.

"What's his name again Cass?" Alex asks me. I glance at Alex who was pointing at Marco.

"Su nombre es Marco" I said and continue taking the tents out of its box.

"Marco...we get it that you are a famous soccer player but camping isn't as bad as soccer" Alex said.

Everybody stop moving and turn to look at him, including me. What the Hell is he saying.

"Al, what are you saying?" I said. Alex shrug and sit down and put sticks in the fire pit.

"I'm saying that Soccer is more dangerous than camping" He said. I look at him with a weird look.

"How is soccer more dangerous than camping?" Julian asks. I cocked an eyebrow.

"Well, soccer you can pull a muscle and can get broken bones when you one wrong mov-" I cut him off.

"Alex...just...just shut up" I wave him off and continue to do my work. Everybody kept quiet since then.

Julian and I we setting the tents. Alex and Erik were the one in charge with sticks for the bonfire. Mario and Marco is in charge of taking everything out of the car. Sven was in charge with foods. I probably going to help him soon.

"What happens if it start rain tonight?" Marco asks one of His annoying questions ever since we got here. I nudge. Mario shoulder, he turn to look at me but at the same time he was fixing the bags of clothes.

"Please control your boyfriend" I beg and continue helping Jules with the tents. I saw Jules looking at me with a smirk. I smile at him. I heard Mario chuckle behind me.

* * *

"There! 3/3 tents are up!" I sigh and sat up. I give Jules a high five and hug him.

"Teamwork!" he yelled. I laugh and look at the green, yellow and light blue medium size tents.

"Ahh...thank God you guys did it without getting hit in the face with one of the sticks" Alex laugh and pat my back. I sigh and remember those days.

"What happened?" Sven asks. I look at everyone, who's eyes were looking at me and waiting for me to answer his question.

"Well one day when we were 9, our family went camping. I told my parents I could build the tents without any help and so I did perfectly until on the stick came loose and hit the side of my face so hard and fast that it knocked me out. My parents had to take me to the hospital next. I had a big cut on my cheek up until it reached my temple. I ended having a scar on it...see" I showed them my cheek. All of them leaned in to look at it.

"I can't barely see" Mario said.

"Well it got thinner and yeah" I smile and breathe in. Mario smile at me and give me a pat in the back.

"Cas, could you get me more woods for the fire. Erik can't right now so please get more woods" Alex said. I nodded and took a flashlight.

"Jules, gehen mit ihr" Erik said. I look at Julian as he nodded and pick up a flashlight.

"I'm coming with ju" He said. I nodded and start walking through the woods.

"Whoa! What is that!" I heard Marco shriek as I walk up the hill with Jules behind me.

"Marc! It's just Sven!" Mario said in frustration. I heard all of them started fighting from distance.

We're not the only one here, other families are here too. I wouldn't mind if their here.

"Umm Cas!" I heard Jules called my name. I turn around and flash the light onto his face. He squint his eyes so I move the light.

"Here some" he said. I nodded and walk back down the hill. I accidently slip on a slippery rock so I fall forward but two strong arms caught me and pull me back on my feet.

"Danke Jules" I smile even though He can't see me.

"Ju welcome" he said.

"Okay, how are we going to bring this down there?" I asks. Julian started thinking and then give me his flashlight.

"I carry it and ju show me our way down" He said. I was about to say something but He already lifting the big log.

I went in front of him, holding his free hand while his other hand holding the heavy log. He squeeze my hand every time I slip.

"Cassie, are ju sure Alex is ju brother?" Jules asks as I concentrate on the dangerous hill.

"Ah yeah why" I said, distracting from all the logs and rocks on the hill.

"Well he doesn't even look like ju. Ju more bootyful and mature and him he a lot different than ju" Jules slip on a rock after he finish his sentence, luckily he caught himself up while I still hold on to his hand.

"Jules! You scaring me! Stop talking! I'm trying to concentrate" I yelled. Julian stop talking until we reach our camp.

"Jules found a big thick log" I told Alex as I put the flashlight on the table.

"Okay, put it there" he replied. He told Julian as I walk up to Mario.

"Where's tu novia" I asks. Mario laugh and point at the yellow tent. I skip over there and open the zipper. I saw Marco fixing the mattress.

"Hey!" I said and slap his head.

"Hey!" he rub his head. I chuckle and zip back the tent.

"Wanna play Concentration?" I asks. He nodded like a girl.

'Hmm how does he know concentration?'

Heyy boo Heyy!this isn't the best chapter but next one probably Will so stay alert!

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