Chapter 12

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Cassie POV

I heard bunch of shuffling and whispering so I open my eyes and look down. I saw Erik, Matthias and Julian whispering.

"Hey guys" I said softly. They all look at me and weakly smile.

"Hey" Julian said. Erik smile and put on his jacket.

"Where are you guys going?" I asks as my voice crack.

"Umm, Hospital" Julian said. When Julian said hospital my eyes quickly wake itself up.

"What happened!?" I asks.

"Marco got injured" Erik said. I quickly jump out of bed and ran downstairs.

"Whoa! Aren't you sick?" Matthias stop me. I shook my head.

"I guess not, I feel better after that soup last night" I smile at Erik. Matthias smirk at me then at Erik.

"Aye! There's nothing going on!" I yelled smacking him on the head. He groan and rub his head.

"So tell me what happened!" I quickly asks. They three look at each other.

"Jesterday after we all leave, Marco stay at practice, he did something wrong so he injured his leg" Matthias explained.

"Is He okay?" I asks. I may not know him or he seems so cocky but he's my friend's friends so he's my friend. I should care.

Oh please Cassie, we all know you like him. What did you thought about him yesterday? He's so hot? Was it that one?

"Shut up!" I yelled out loud. The boys look at me confusingly.

"We didn't say anything" Julian said quietly. I nervously laugh.

"My mind is talking to me and it's giving me headache" I laugh. Matthias pointed at me.

"See I'm not crazy! Her mind is talking to her!" Matthias said. I nodded slowly.

"It's called subconscious" I slowly said "everybody has it."

Matthias cough and then he scratch his head. He nervously laugh and then sit back down on the couch. Erik roll his eyes.

"What are we waiting for!? Lets check him out!" I ran towards the door but then look back. They all were still standing at one spot.

"What are you guys doing? Lets go" I said.

"Umm Cassie" Julian said. I look and him but then Erik pointed at my pjs. Which was only a big shirt with Frozen underwear and it was showing. I quickly pull the shirt down and cover my underwear.

Cassie your such an embarrassment. My subconscious said to me.

"Eh" I laugh nervously and walk back to bed and quickly change to a sweat and Erik BVB sweater that I was wearing yesterday.

"I'm going to brush my teeth" I said in a high pitch voice as I ran pass them. After I brush my teeth and wash my face I went outside and smile at the guys.

"Now we shall go" I said and walk to the door.

"Cassie, Matthias said ju look hot in ju pj" Julian said. I turn around and look at Matthias.

"What!? That was ju saying that! Why ju people blame Me!? Is it because I'm the youngest!?" Matthias shriek. I laugh and wrap my arms around Matthias shoulder.

"It's okay Matt, your hotter than Julian a and Erik since they didn't compliment me" I smirk. Matthias blushed.

"Aye! Cassie, Ju look hot when ju sleeping!" Julian yelled from the back.

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