Chapter 14

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Third Person POV

Erik unfolded his arms and glare at Sven. Erik felt weird seeing Cassie being kissed by Sven.

He felt like his heart hurt and broken into thousands of pieces.

Nien nien Erik shook his head and look away at Sven and Cassie.

"Cassie ju okay?" Julian asks as he pick Cassie up from the ground.

"Ah, yes I am. Sven you startled me" Cassie frowned and brush her clothes from dirt.

"This girl is so careless" Erik scoff silently.

"What ju guys want to do now?" Matthias asks.

"Let's go back, it's getting cold. I don't want to get Cassie sick" Julian said. They all nodded and walk to the cars and left the park.

* * *

"Ju want Coffee Cassie?" Erik asks. Cassie shook her head.

"I don't like coffee that much but I'd like Tea" Erik scoff but nodded.

"Ju want some honey with ju tea?" Erik asks. Cassie nodded. Julian wrapped a blanket around Cassie as she watches Matthias play FIFA on his x-box.

"Hey Matthias, you want to play against me?" Cassie smirk. Julian paused the game and look at Cassie.

"Ju challenging me?" Mathias asks. Cassie nodded casually.

"Am I suppose to be scare or.." She look at the boys who's looking at her with their eyebrows up.

"We never got to beat him" Julian starts.

"What? He's the best at this?" Cassie roll her eyes.

"Yes he is" Julian said. Cassie open her eyes and look at everyone.

"Alright, let's see" She smirk and pick up the controller. Matthias pat her shoulder.

"Don't cry when ju lose" Matthias wink. Cassie laughs.

"Don't shit your pants when I win" Cassie smile and Matthias starts the game. The boys took a seat around the two gamer and watch every single thing that they're doing.

* * *

"Oh! Oh! Cassie! Turn!" Julian yelled behind Cassie. Cassie turned and make a goal. She and the boys yelled and jump up and down happily. Matthias puts his controller down in defeated.

"Are you okay Matthias? You need a hug?" Cassie hug Matthias but Matthias remove her arms.

"How? How did ju beat me?" He asks Cassie. She shrug.

"Come on Cassie, a girl like ju must have experience" Sven said. Cassie shook her head no and shrug.

"I don't play this game" Cassie said. The boys look at her as if she was joking.

"Ju playing right?" Erik asks. Cassie shook her head no again.

"I'm serious. I don't play this game. I watched my brother playing it and I never played it" Cassie said. The boys exhale their breathes.

"Dieses Mädchen ist verrückt!" Erik said in German. Cassie narrow her eyebrow.

"I can't speak German! So do you mind speaking English!" Cassie snapped. Julian puts his arm around Cassie, trying to comfort her.

"Ju played well" Sven said and smile. Cassie felt relived and smile back at Sven. Sven mess Cassie hair as she giggle.

"Ja! Here's ju tea!" Erik spat and handed her tea and then he storm out the door.

'What's wrong with him?' Cassie wonder.

"Ja! Cassie! Ju need to tell me ju secret to win the next game when I play with Matthias!" Julian said to Cassie. Cassie chuckle but she stops and look at the door. She got worried about Erik.

"Wait a minute"Cassie said and put her tea on the counter and ran out the door. She look around the hallways and saw a person. She walk up to him and smile.

"Do you know where Erik went?" Cassie asks. The man look at her confusingly. She had forgotten that people around here doesn't speak English very well.

"Umm..." She begin, "Erik Durm? Wo... Uh...wo woher?" Cassie remembered when Julian said it.

"Oh! Erik went th-the" the man stutter but pointed towards the outdoor. Cassie finally understood what he went so she quickly went outside.

She look around to find Erik looking at soccer field. He had his tea on his hand and snifle as he breathe. Cassie sigh and walk over to him.

"Erik, are you okay?" Cassie asks him quietly.

"Get out!" Erik demand. Cassie didn't go anywhere, she stayed beside Erik.

"Ju didn't here what I said!?" Erik yelled. Cassie got mad so she breathe in deeply.

"Hey! Listen to me! I'm trying to be a good friend but you won't let me! Instead of being a bitch why won't you speak to me!? I'm sorry if I'm yelling at you because you yelled at me!" Cassie said. Erik look at her as he breathe hard. He cupped her face and pulled her in for a deep, long but passionate kiss.

I'm very so for this long update. Like seriously this is so long! But FINALLY! A NEW CHAPTER! haha I hope you guys like this chapter and make sure to vote!


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