Chapter 6

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Cassy POV

"Uncle Philipp?" I called out. I start walking to where he was standing. He saw me coming so he gave me a confuse look.

"Cas?" He said. The whole team look at me.

"Uncle Philipp, what are you doing here?" I asks. Erik and Julian look at each other and then back at me.

"Uncle?" Julian said.

"Cassy, Philipp is ju uncle?" Erik asks. I nodded but didn't look at him. My eyes were glued on Uncle Philipp.

"I'm the team's coach from now on, what are ju doing here?" He asks me. He look at Erik then me. I know what's he's thinking.

"Are ju and Erik-" I cut him off quickly.

"No" I shook my head. Uncle Philipp nodded slowly.

"Ju going to join us?" He asks. I shook my head.

"I'm hurt everywhere" I said. Uncle Philipp look at me weirdly.

"What ju mean?" He asks.

"I was playing soccer the other day and these mean girls were being a beep so yeah" I shrug.

"Oh, ju be careful okay? If ju need anything Ju just call me okay? If Erik or Julian hurt-" I stop him just about here.

"Uncle Philipp it's okay, they won't do anything. Plus I still have the pepper spray that u gave me last year" I said. I saw Erik and Julian both stare at me.

"Gud! Now ju sit and be careful" Uncle Philipp being his protective self like always.

"Okay" I said. Uncle Philipp smile and nodded.

"Oh later, ju need to come and eat dinner with us. Claudia would want to see Ju" Uncle Philipp said. I nodded.

"Alright uncle Philipp, go finish training the boys waiting for you" I shoo him.

* * *

"So, how are ju and Philipp are related?" Julian asks as he sit on the couch. Erik turn to look at me as he sat on his bed.

"My dad is his older brother" I said. Julian nodded.

"Are ju and Philipp close?" Erik asks I nodded.

"Yup but he barely visit us in the states" I said and shrug.

"Ju like Philipp?" Julian asks.

"I love him like he's my own dad" I smile which causing Erik to smile. When I look at him he turn his head around.

"Wait so what about when ju step dad around? Ju still call Philipp ju uncle? Since ju dad died" Julian asks. Erik slaps Julian head, Julian rub it.

"Of course but sometimes I just call him Philipp" I shrug. I didn't say anything afterwards.

"What do you guys want to do before I leave to Philipp house?" I asks. They both kept quiet.

"Ju want to ride bicycle around town!?" Julian bring up. I quickly nodded.

"Let's go!" I said. I'm pretty sure my body was better. I can walk pretty straight.

"I meet ju outside" Julian left. I nodded. I walk up to Erik and touch his arm.

"Let's go" I said. Erik look at me with his bright blue eyes. I literally died in this moment right now but I'm still breathing which is weird.

"Julian wanted to go with ju" Erik said as he stare at my brown eyes. Did he died like did? Of course not.

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