Chapter 30

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What was he thinking?

Her mind was still reeling even as she lay in bed, the small hairpiece clutched in her hands atop her chest. The conversation between them fresh in her mind as she remembered every feeling that swept through her after the words left his mouth. 

Surprise mixed with elation, turning to the cold realization that what he was offering could never be.

A breath left her lips in a long, drawn out whoosh as her eyes closed, sleep overtaking her body and mind.


Runyu watched the steady rise and fall of her chest, his hand absently stroking the fur atop his companion's head as they both stared at her sleeping form.

She was holding the piece he had gifted her earlier and the sight made something wild bloom in his heart. 

"Go," he commanded the deer, his head indicating the bed.

Perhaps the events of the day would trigger something, anything to cross her mind and reveal a dream or the recollection of an actual event, he thought as he gazed lovingly at the woman before him.

 His hands fisted at his sides, holding himself back from wandering to the bed and gathering her in his arms, kissing her or doing any number of things he had been fantasizing about...

His eyes squeezed shut, his focus switching from his desire for her to something more practical and calculating.

A number of schemes formulated in his mind, all with the intention of keeping her forever. 

She could argue as much as she wanted, but in the end, she would never leave.

He would make sure of it. 


"You went to the Mortal Realm."

"Mmm," she murmured distractedly as she leaned against the column adorning the front of the Palace the next morning.


Annchi finally looked up at General Xiang. 

"And what?" she asked, her mind still not quite alert. She went to sleep late, woke up late and the effect on her mind was evident.

"Are you all right?" he asked, concern etched on his face.

"Mmm hmm, just tired," she stated honestly.

"Did you see the play?" he asked.


"And what did you think?" he prompted.

"Well," she breathed out, "It painted a very unflattering picture of the Emperor, that was for sure. The author obviously has a complete dislike for him; some of the scenes were shocking and exaggerated, at least according to Runyu, I mean, His Highness," she corrected quickly.

Her slip was obviously caught by the General as his brows lifted.

"So, what do you think this means? Why the sudden unrest? Why are these groups forming?" she asked rapidly. "Do you think they're all related?"

"I think," he started, "Things have been unstable for while. There's an illusion of peace, but beneath that the tension is thick and has been for hundreds of years."

"Do you think someone is instigating these groups? Some central figure they are following?" she asked. Her mind recollected the man holding her clearly stating the fact that the men fighting were his best, indicating there were more...

White Empress, Ashes of Love SequelWhere stories live. Discover now