Chapter 4

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"Absolutely not."

Dan Zhu gave his nephew a pronounced frown, then an exaggerated pout when that didn't work.

Runyu turned his attention back to the scroll before him.

"But she is so efficient! And nice to have around. And she doesn't gossip. She's a very practical and capable girl. I have to have her!"


"You make me want to tear my hair out!" he exclaimed, grabbing handfuls on either side.

"You have more servants than you need already. Why go bald for one more?" he asked as he concentrated on his brush stroke.

"She does the work of 5. I'll get rid of them and bring her on."

"You will not. She's being punished. Working at the House of Marriage would be nothing but frivolous fun, that's not punishment," he said as he placed the brush in the ink bowl and looked up.

 "I'm your Elder and you should respect my wishes," Dan Zhu stated imperiously. 

"I'm your Emperor and I make the rules," Runyu challenged with a cool stare.

"Pfft." Dan Zhu stomped his foot and glared at his nephew.

"She's only been here a few weeks and I wonder where your loyalties lie, Uncle. With me or the servant to the servants?" Runyu asked pointedly.

"Both. I can't see why I should have to choose. According to you she is common and insignificant. Surely not notable enough to divide a Realm."

"She is insignificant, and not worthy of the breath we're wasting on her right now," Runyu commented lightly.

"She is extraordinary. There's something about her," Dan Zhu started as he paced before his nephew. "She speaks well, carries herself like nobility, she has a sharp tongue, but underneath it all, she has a kind and soft heart. She's a bit of a mystery to me. She's strong and resourceful and she works so hard to bring honor to her family. She knows she made a mistake -" Dan Zhu said before Runyu stood up, diverting his attention.

"And how do you know all of this?" he asked.

"How do I...?" he trailed off.

"You've been visiting her," Runyu stated.

"I...may into her...once or twice."

"You're lying," he said as he swept his robes out of the way and clasped his hands behind his back as he rounded the small table, leveling an intense gaze at the other man.

"You will not seek her out. You will not visit her. She deserves no friends, no fun, only work. Am I clear? She is being punished, she is not your new plaything," Runyu ordered as he slowly approached his uncle.

"Your Highness!" 

Both men turned to the Palace Guard striding through the room toward them.

"Yes?" Runyu asked, turning toward the man.

"There's something you may be interested in."



"What?" she huffed out as she wiped the table beneath her with vigorous strokes.

"You have a visitor," the servant informed her, causing her to straighten and turn toward the woman. 

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