Chapter 17

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"Unrest, Your Highness," the General stated once again as Runyu focused his attention fully on the man standing before him days later.

"Why? Those people are well protected, are they not?" he asked.

A look seemed to pass between the General and the two officers standing on either side of him.

"It seems a band of criminals has infiltrated the community. They killed one of the soldiers stationed there."

"Criminals?" he asked in surprise. "In this Realm? Have they been caught?"

"No, Your Highness. They hide themselves well. The elders are upset that nothing has been done. Their crimes against the community are becoming more severe."

"And what are their crimes?"

"It started as minor theft; food, some possessions. Several dwellings were burnt, some of the people have been harassed and even beaten. They are on lockdown at night and yet, the crimes seem to continue," the General stated.

"How long has this been happening?"

"It started a week ago, Your Highness," the General answered, his eyes cast down.

"And this is the first I am hearing of it?!" Runyu roared out, causing the three men to jolt.

"We thought it would be simple to catch them, and yet they are very motivated."

"And smart," one of the Officers spoke up.

"General Xiang," Runyu leveled at him as he stood up, "This surprises me. One, that you did not tell me. Two, that it continues. And three, that one of your men has died now. Are you so out of practice that you have forgotten how to lead an Army?"

"No, Your Highness!" he exclaimed, bowing deeply from his considerable height. "I would have told you but you have been indisposed of late. Apologies!" he added, bowing again.

Annchi's eyes raised from the carpet, her brush resting on her lap as she studied the backs of the uniformed men at the foot of the stairs.

"What is your plan?"

"We will send more men immediately. I am asking for one hundred soldiers to be stationed there," he answered as he straightened.

"One hundred soldiers? And where will these soldiers come from?" he asked.

"From other communities, Your Highness. We will stage a show of force," he stated.

"And what are the chances these bandits will move to another community? One that has become unprotected?" he asked simply.

"We will still keep a few soldiers in those communities," he replied.

"Only a few? If these criminals are that smart and have no qualms about killing your soldiers, do you think this plan is wise?"

"I do, your Highness. We have done this before with good results," he responded quickly.

Annchi's mouth opened, then clamped shut as she watched the exchange with rapt attention.

"I refuse to endanger other communities. Think of something else," Runyu ordered, clasping his hands behind his back.

"More soldiers will discourage them from their activities."

"More soldiers will keep them away. More soldiers will not catch them, though. The object is to capture and eliminate them, is it not?"

"Of course, Your Highness," the General stated, the tone of his voice clearly agitated, at least from Annchi's perspective.

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