Chapter 34

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She closed the doors behind her with a soft click, resting her back against the rough wood before letting out a long, controlled breath days later.

"Are you completely insane or just insanely stupid?" she asked the otherwise empty room. "I haven't quite decided yet," she added, her eyes darting around.

The scent was even stronger now that she was confined in a room with him.

Runyu materialized before her, a small smile spreading across his face.

"Do you often sneak around this encampment, eavesdropping on your trusted partners?" he asked.

"Who says I trust anyone? At this point they are the lesser of two evils. You being the other one, of course."

"Of course."

She pushed away from the doors, stepping into the room, but keeping a safe distance from the man standing before her.

"What are you doing here? Other than inviting a sure, swift death."

"I can't think of a sweeter death than the one dealt by your hand," he stated as she wandered toward the elaborate armor laid out on the side of the room.

"What a tragically unromantic thing to say," she commented blandly, her fingers reaching out to touch the sharp surface.

"Your armor, I presume," she heard behind her as she stared absently at the blur of white and silver.

"All I ever wanted was to wear this. I studied and trained by myself for so long, and yet..." she trailed off, her arm dropping back to her side. "I have an uncanny ability to overestimate myself."

"You were meant for something greater."

"I was meant to be owned and controlled. I wanted neither."

"So, you remember everything?" he asked, stepping closer.

"Most of it. And the things I wasn't quite clear about are obvious now."

"And -"

"Don't ask," she interrupted him before whirling to face him. "You shouldn't be here. Spying on your enemy before a battle is not honorable."

"I only came to see you. I'm not worried about your strategy," he responded truthfully.

"I'm worried about yours," she admitted, "I have racked my brain to determine what you're thinking, only to decide that what I think you think, you will only do the opposite. And then when I think you'll do the opposite, I go back to the original tactic, thinking you would think I would think that."

"That's quite a bit of thinking," he stated, clearly amused.

"My head fairly aches with it. This is your affect on me. You make my brain hurt trying to outwit you," she said seriously.

"Well then, come away with me and fight alongside us. Save your brain the anguish," he said softly, taking a step toward her.

"No. I can't do that," she stated sidestepping to increase the distance between them. "Your family destroyed mine. I know my purpose. I know why they keep sending me back. It all ends with this battle," she said resolutely.

"Does it matter that I'm in love with you?" he asked, causing her body to freeze in place and her eyes to search his.

"Do you even know what love is?" she countered.

"I do now."

"You loved Jinmi. See how well that worked out for you..."

"Don't be cruel," he chided. "I realize my feelings were nothing more than being possessive of something I could take from my brother. She was never truly mine and don't think I didn't know that in my heart," he said. "You, on the other hand, are mine. You will always be mine and I will always be yours. We were made for each other, whether you want to admit it or not," he finished with a stern look.

White Empress, Ashes of Love SequelWhere stories live. Discover now