Chapter 6

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Annchi balanced the large tray carefully as she navigated the darkened, deserted walkway. Her chores stretched far beyond her normal workday from the various distractions and it was frustrating to say the least. 

She should be on her hands and knees working with the soil to revive her grass, and yet, that would have to wait until tomorrow, she thought before letting out an audible sigh. This day couldn't end fast enough. 

By the time she reached the servant's quarters, the lamps were lit inside and around the structure, announcing the fact that the building was no doubt filled with people. Yet another reason why this day needed to be over as soon as possible.  For the most part, she was able to avoid many of them since her chores were typically done while they were gone. Small pockets of servants appeared here and there, but never this many and never at the same time.

She only hoped they ignored her. In the back of her mind, she knew that wouldn't happen. Now, she would have an even larger audience to experience the sharp words that would no doubt fly from her mouth at their provocation.

It had only been weeks, and already it was exhausting to constantly formulate offensive replies with the intent of shutting them up. 

Her steps slowed as she reached the stairs. She ran through the list of typical put downs and a few come backs in her mind as she ascended, only to stop when the sounds coming from inside  caused her mind and body to pause in confusion.

There were shocked gasps, murmurs, and a much louder male voice. Men were strictly forbidden in the Servant's Quarters. 

Something caused a loud clang and a crash and her body immediately took the last few steps with total disregard of the objects on the tray she was carrying.

A rather large looking man had his back to her, ten or so servants huddled in the corner as she gently placed the tray on the table next to her.

"You. I want you. You come with me," he ordered as he pointed. There was something wrong with his voice, he seemed to string his words together without pause. Was the girl he was pointing to in some sort of trouble? He was not dressed as a palace guard, she noticed. His long white robe was of the highest quality, which only served to confuse her more.

His body swayed erratically, he was either drunk or disturbed in some way.

"Stop looking at the door!" he slurred. "I was so smart this time! I locked you in!" he said with a cruel laugh. "You can't run away this time!"

Annchi looked from the back door of the structure to the wide open front door and back to the man. Obviously...not so smart.

Ten women could easily overpower this buffoon, she thought as she scanned the terrified faces of the servants. Why did they not? 

"We are only servants, Sir. If you need food or something cleaned we will be happy to assist -" the older servant started.

"Assist with this!" he yelled, sweeping his robe aside and causing all of the servant's eyes to avert and their mouths to emit shocked gasps and dismayed cries.

Disgusting pig.

Her eyes scanned for something, anything to divert his attention. Sure, the women before her were all cruel in varying degrees but no one should have to endure this, she thought as she caught sight of the broom propped in the corner next to her. Her hand reached for it as her mind developed a plan.

She walked slowly toward the man, shaking her head at the few servants that were now focused on her instead. Their eyes were wide and a few blinked before casting their gazes to the floor as she neared.

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