Chapter 21

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"Is the Emperor here? I would like to speak with him."

Her hand stilled from her previous scrubbing. Her eyes darting around in confusion as she pondered the voice behind her. The Emperor had cast a ward on the entrances before he left, had he not?

A moment of indecision lapsed before she finally turned to see a man in a guard's uniform. She relaxed immediately at the sight.

"He is not. Can I help you with something?" Annchi asked the man before her.

"No. No, I will speak with him when he comes back. And that would be?" he led with a focused look.

Her eyes blinked to clear her strange new vision. Everything was so detailed and concise, yet this man...

He appeared to have two sets of eyes. One set in the foreground, the other transparent, but still there.

"I'm... not sure. He didn't say, I can tell him you wish to speak with him when he comes back. May I ask your name?" she asked as she perused him closely. She had never seen this person before, she was sure of it.

"You are Annchi, they say. You look so...different. May I ask what happened to you?" the man asked, causing her to scrutinize him even further. He was definitely older than her, but again, the lines near his eyes were the only indication of his age. His neck and forehead seemed youthful.

"How did you get in here?" she countered in a cool tone.

"Me? I am a Palace guard," he stated, causing her eyes to narrow on him.

"Are you?" she said as she took a step back, her pulse speeding up as her breath held. Her hands raised up, magic welling between them before one arm swept up and around, completely wiping away the image in front of her.

Kuanglu was revealed before her.

"Kuanglu," Annchi said beneath her breath as she stared at the woman.

She was obviously shocked to be exposed, her eyes frantically searching her robes, her hands, before her head snapped up.

"It was you," Annchi stated in a frost-like tone. "Wasn't it?"


"You impersonated my sister didn't you? Of course it was you!" she gasped out. "Were you so upset at being replaced? Why would you do something like that?"

"Do what? I haven't done anything!" she exclaimed, stepping back.

"I never fully realized your obsession with him," Annchi stated as she stared at her intently.

"I'm not...I don't know what you're talking about!" she cried.

"You are a horrible actress. Do you deny that you are in love with him? Did you want me out of the way? Did you think I was some sort of competition for you?" she asked in rapid succession. "I tried to help you! I tried to tie him to you and this is how you repay me? You deserve no such kindness!" Annchi grated out as her magic swirled around her violently.

Kuanglu's eyes widened even further.

"I..." she croaked out, stepping back, her head shaking as her bottom lip began to tremble.

"You would kill me. For this..." Annchi's words resonated throughout the room as her hands raised, sharp blue bolts of light dancing in discord between them.

"Kill you!" Kuanglu gasped out. "I never...he didn't say..." she stammered.

"He? Who is 'he'? Who are you working with?" Annchi asked as her hair lifted and floated around her.

White Empress, Ashes of Love SequelWhere stories live. Discover now