Chapter 7

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"Where have you been?!" Dan Zhu yelled as he ran toward Runyu. The guards at the gate bowed deeply as he passed through the entrance.

"Mortal Realm. What is wrong with you?" he started before his arm was grabbed and his Uncle attempted to pull him along. 

"What are you doing?" Runyu asked as he planted his feet, removing the gripping hand from his arm.

"They're whipping her! You have to make them stop!" he exclaimed.

"Whipping who?" he asked in confusion.


The sound of her name should have caused him to relax at the fact that it was she that was being severely punished, and yet adrenalin seemed to surge at an alarming rate for some reason beyond his comprehension.

An immediate sweep of his arm had his body transported from the gate to the small clearing in a split second. A crowd was gathered behind her. One of his Generals was holding a whip. Blood dripped down one side of her mouth, her bound, bloodied hands hung from the ring, and yet her body was erect. The guard immediately folded into a formal bow. 

"Your Highness," he greeted. Everyone in the clearing repeated the same motion.

"What is happening here?" Runyu asked in a cool, detached voice. 

He took steps toward her, checking her face intently and finding nothing but a blank stare and relaxed features. No tears, no indication of any emotion at all, the closer he walked. She wasn't even aware of his presence.

Until she was.

Dark eyes lifted toward him as he approached, almost as if looking through him.

"Cut these ropes," he commanded, his eyes scanning the crowd beyond. Servants, guards, fairies, and a few Immortals were scattered within the mass, most with shocked expressions, some with tear stained cheeks and all completely silent.

When the guards hesitated, his hand reached up, wrist turning as the rope was severed. 

She said nothing. Pulling her hands down and removing the rope, she turned to walk without even acknowledging him, but the sight before him caused an involuntary sharp intake of breath to escape him.

The fabric of her uniform was open from her shoulders to her waist. Angry red slashes were visible mixed with fresh blood and old scars that traversed the entire surface. Two deep slashes marred both sides between her shoulder blades and underneath that, a fine, intricate pattern of scarring could be seen.

"What..." blurted from his gaping mouth before he shook his head.  She was taking slow, measured steps toward the crowd as they began to step aside for her to pass.

"Bring me a robe!" he yelled out. "Now!" he added as he took steps to catch up.

"Oh, Annchi! Why did they do this to you, my poor girl?" Dan Zhu asked as he stepped next to her. 

Her eyes were still fixed on the ground before her as she continued to walk without acknowledging him.

"Stop," Runyu commanded toward her as fabric was placed into his hands. She obviously wasn't listening. He took a few steps after her before raising his palm to her and casting a quick immobility spell, stopping her momentum.

"Here," he said, unfolding the fabric and placing it over her shoulders. 

"Is this for me or you?" she said in a distant voice, her eyes still cast to the ground below.

"I don't understand," he answered as he adjusted the robe on one shoulder.

"Is this for my modesty or are you too horrified to witness the aftermath of what you've done?"

White Empress, Ashes of Love SequelWhere stories live. Discover now