Chapter 31

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"I will do whatever I can to get him to release you," she promised early the next morning.

Kuanglu nodded silently from inside the cage.

"He never suspected -" Annchi started.

"No," she answered immediately. "He was only concerned, like you said he would be," Kuanglu said softly, looking down.

"And you exchanged words?"

"Very few. I just groaned and held my stomach as you directed."

"Very good," Annchi said as she turned to leave. 


She stopped to regard the other woman over her shoulder. 

"I am very, very sorry...for everything," she added.

"I accept your apology," Annchi answered. "I believe we are even now," she added as she walked toward the tunnel.

She passed by the sleeping guards, stopping to reach up and place the comb Runyu gifted her in the back of her hair. Giving it to Kuanglu the night before was actually painful, she had realized in alarm, but it was necessary at the time. 

Necessary so she could trick the man she cared for.

What a fool you are, she chided herself silently as her hands circled and swept, causing the guards to slowly wake before she wandered into the darkness.


"If that's all, I'll go clean your rooms now," she offered later in the morning as she set his tray down on the table.

"I have servants for that," Runyu stated as he stood up and began to step toward her. The heat in his eyes was unmistakable and his intention seemed clear as he stalked her.

"I...umm...what are you doing?" she asked nervously, looking around before focusing on him once again.

"Are you shy now? You weren't last night," he commented with an almost lecherous grin. His words made her stiffen as she fought to control her expression.

"What?" she couldn't hold back the blurted word. "I mean..." What is he talking about? Dread prickled every nerve, every inch of her skin.

Her backward step was halted by his quick grab around her waist, pulling her body flush with his before his lips descended. She quickly turned her head, causing him to kiss her cheek.

"What is this, hmm?" he murmured in a bare rasp. "Where's my passionate girl from last night?" he breathed into her ear before capturing the lobe with a gentle tug of his teeth.

Her eyes grew huge, her already statue-like body stood even more straight, more immobile as his lips fastened to her neck, kissing the soft skin. Her stomach fluttered wildly combined with the shock to her nerves from his words.

"I..." she pushed against his chest. "The servants..." she gasped out, leaning as far away from his lips as his arms would allow.

"Ahh...I see," he stated as he released her suddenly, causing her body to stumble back. "I'll keep my distance in public, but when we're behind closed doors..." he emphasized his husky words with raised brows and a leveled stare.

"Right! Yes!" she nodded, stepping back nervously. Her mind racing to come to any conclusion of what his words meant and unfortunately, she could only come up with one. 

She would kill Kuanglu. 

Just as soon as the Emperor was distracted, she decided as she continued to back away, an empty smile plastered to her face.

White Empress, Ashes of Love SequelWhere stories live. Discover now